The dregs of birther remainders.

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realist wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 4:55 pm This Publius guy posts just about every conspiracy theory known and some I've not seen before, and he buys into every one of them. He seems to be particularly enamored with Tucker Carlson. :roll:
Publius is Joanna Martin.
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bob wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:28 pm
realist wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 4:55 pm This Publius guy posts just about every conspiracy theory known and some I've not seen before, and he buys into every one of them. He seems to be particularly enamored with Tucker Carlson. :roll:
Publius is Joanna Martin.
ahhh explains a lot.
Thanks, bob :bighug:
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P&E: The Parallel Usurpers: Obama and Harris:
Kerchner wrote:At Birth Their Father Was Not a U.S. Citizen

At Birth Their Father Was Not Even An Immigrant to the USA

At Birth Their Father Was a Foreign National Sojourning in the USA on a Temporary Student VISA

For Both Obama and Harris, Their Father Ultimately Returned to Their Respective Home Country

For Both Obama and Harris, Their Father Was a Marxist Believing Economist

At Birth Both Obama and Harris Were Born a Subject of the Queen and King of England* Inherited via Their Father Being a Subject of the Queen and King of England

At Birth Both Were Born (And to This Day Still Are) a Dual-Citizen With Divided Allegiance and Loyalty Requirements to More Than One Country

Both Spent Their Formative Years Growing up in Foreign County – Indonesia for Obama and Canada for Harris

Both Are Not a Constitutional “natural born Citizen” of the United States – They Are Not a Person Born with Unity of Citizenship and Sole Allegiance to the USA

Both Had a Father Who Was a Marxist/Socialist Sympathizer

Both Had a Mother Who Was a Marxist/Socialist Sympathizer

They Themselves are a Marxist/Socialist Sympathizer

Both When Given Power Have Been Practicing the Marxist/Socialist Cloward-Piven Strategy to Overload, Undermine, and Destroy Our Constitutional Republican Form of Government – Especially With The Direct Effects of Open Border Policies and the Secondary and Tertiary Effects of That Policy

Both Have Got Away With (Thus Far) Usurping High National Office

Kamala Harris Got Away With It As VP Thus Far– She Should Not Be Allowed to Get Away With It As The Commander In Chief – Trump Should Challenge Her Constitutional Eligibility
"Funny" how Kerchner "forgot" to mention what else they have in common. :think:

And it is odd how birthers have retconned their own history to believe they don't have standing in any court; it is as if all those state court challenges didn't happen.

* This whole piece is weird, but Kerchner's phraseology here is a weird attempt to acknowledge that the United Kingdom now has a king. But when both Obama and Harris were born, there was only a queen (her husband was titled a prince).
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Funny" how Kerchner "forgot" to mention what else they have in common. :think:
The ability to carry off a tan suit?
* This whole piece is weird, but Kerchner's phraseology here is a weird attempt to acknowledge that the United Kingdom now has a king. But when both Obama and Harris were born, there was only a queen (her husband was titled a prince).
They appear to share one father according to his phrasing.
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P&E: Gutfeld: Questioning Obama’s Citizenship “Wasn’t a Sustained Thing”:
In a discussion on Monday’s edition of “The Five” about political speech that could potentially incite violence, former Tennessee congressman Harold Ford, Jr. suggested 45th President and 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s alleged contention that Barack Hussein Obama was “not a citizen” constituted a form of political instigation.

* * *

“…Unfortunately, I hope I’m dead wrong, but unfortunately this kind of behavior may not stop,” Ford continued at 20:29, “because I do believe the language has ratcheted up on a lot of sides. Remember former President Trump: for the entire presidency of President Obama, he said that he was not a citizen; he called Vice President Harris ‘stupid…'”

* * *

In turn (21:40), Pirro responded, “…I think there’s a big difference between saying someone’s not a citizen and someone’s stupid and calling someone ‘Hitler’ and ‘an existential threat…'”

Ford took issue with Pirro’s characterization of what he said. At that point co-host Greg Gutfeld weighed in with, “If you want to call him ‘Hitler,’ call him ‘Hitler’; I don’t really care, right?…But I do think there is a difference in how people [here, the audio skips, but this writer, having seen the broadcast, believes what was said was “react. When Trump said Obama was not”] born in the United States, 99% of the people thought that was a joke. It was not a sustained thing.”
This will come as news to the three remaining birthers.
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P&E: State Attorneys General have “Standing” to Challenge Presidential Eligibility, Researcher Says:
On September 11, 2024, Florida citizen and former Marine Theodore T. Moran ...
... filed a complaint with the office of Attorney General Ashley Moody urging her to invoke to the U.S. Supreme Court “Article III standing to represent the voters of Florida who feel that the DNC and Kamala Harris are deceiving us by claiming she is constitutionally qualified to represent us as President of the United States.”

* * *

Moran operated the site for a number of years and served as a researcher for the late Atty. Mario Apuzzo in the case of Kerchner, et al v. Obama & Congress, et al filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey on January 20, 2009 challenging Barack Hussein Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president.

* * *

Represented by Apuzzo in 2012 as Obama sought re-election, Moran was co-plaintiff with Nicholas E. Purpura in a ballot challenge to Obama’s eligibility following the White House’s publication of an image it said represented Obama’s “long-form” birth certificate but which preliminary findings from a criminal investigation pointed to its being a forgery.

* * *

Since Kerchner and his own legal challenge concerning presidential eligibility were dismissed on “standing,” Moran told us in an interview earlier this week, he concluded that states, represented by their respective attorneys general, have that status with the U.S. Supreme Court, hence his contact with Moody.
:fingerwag: Purpura and Moran's challenge wasn't dismissed for lack of standing. :talktothehand:
“This is what I learned from Mario,” Moran said. “You need standing. If you go to state court, you’re not going to get justice; you’re going to have 50 different judges with 50 different interpretations of ‘natural born Citizen.’ Kerchner was kicked out for a lack of Article III standing. Who gets that? Well, by the Constitution, the states have it automatically. So the person who has that right in the state is the attorney general. They can file a suit or controversy, and they have to be heard or at least denied by the Supreme Court. The opposing candidate, also, has standing.”
Moran is, well, a moran. States don't automatically have standing; just ask Texas in 2020 or Missouri this year.

States can exclude ineligible candidates (without filing a lawsuit); that none has should be a clue for this Moran.
Moran’s complaint* to Moody reads, in full:
Moran wrote:
► Show Spoiler
On September 16, Moran sent a letter to Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL6) on the issue in which he wrote, in part:
Moran wrote:
► Show Spoiler
During our interview we asked Moran his motivation in contacting Moody and Waltz about Harris given that in recent years, numerous presidential candidates with questionable eligibility have run for president, and he responded:
Moran wrote: When Obama first ran, I wasn’t for him or against him, but I was excited for him. I thought, “Wow, he’s going to be the first black American ever elected president; we’re going to be able to put a lot of our baggage behind us.” I thought it was going to be pretty cool.

I was under the impression that a “natural born Citizen” was a native born citizen. I wanted Obama to prove he was a native-born citizen because it would have quieted Hillary, General Bill, and a lot of Obama’s early critics.

When he didn’t do it, I started to get suspicious. I first thought, “Maybe he wasn’t born in America.” And the more I started looking at our history and early culture, I started to realize “natural born” isn’t “native born.”

In my studies what I found out is if you take the phrase, “natural born Citizen,” what’s the object of the phrase? “Citizen,” of course. They wanted somebody who was a citizen from birth; then the other part is “natural.” What does “natural” mean? That basically means that you’re a natural citizen in the sense that you belong to the community in its most maximum form. Then reading Jay’s letter I realized that what he was talking about was “allegiance.”

* * *

[Jay] said not to allow foreigners into the administration, he wasn’t talking about Frenchmen; he wasn’t talking about English persons per se; he was talking about the allegiance of these people; he was saying we need someone whose allegiance is 100% with the United States of America to be the commander-in-chief, and that’s the only office he pointed to, because that’s the office in which treason can be the most damaging.
Moran has expanded his efforts to elevate the “natural born Citizen” question to an open, public conversation to be related in a follow-up article in the coming days.
:roll: :callonme: :yankyank:

Moran's neo-birther website. (H/t: Kerchner. :towel: )

* Although Moran sure does complain, I don't see him asking demanding requesting that the AGoFL do anything. :confuzzled: Moran will be lucky if he gets a FOAD letter.
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P&E comment:
Moran (Actual) wrote:1. You need to go to enough states to remove him from getting enough electoral votes
2. State courts follow English common law and yes they can have the opinion that he is a natural-born citizen. Read ALJ Masin’s verdict, he quotes ECL and uses the compound adjective natural-born, while the Constitution uses the cumulative adjective “natural born.”
3. You can also get dicta like “Micky Mouse can be on the ballot.”
4. This needed to be decided in the Supreme Court of the United States because Constitutional terms and phrases can only be decided constitutionally by SCOTUS.
Trump or the RNC have a direct and specific standing, citizens in the federal court can not sue unless the harm is specific to them. However, the AG’s have standing under Article III to address a general harm to their population.
Ahhh, yes: the difference between a compound and cumulative modifier, taught on the eleventygabzillion day of Con Law. :roll:

And birthers seem to "forget" that SCOTUS has the final but only voice when interpreting the U.S. Constitution.
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Oh, my.

And they seem to have also forgotten about Ankeny. :smoking:
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P&E: Exclusive: Zullo Reveals Investigative Report on Obama Birth Certificate:
Were the “Birthers” Wrong, or Did They Expose a Deep State Hoax?
Yes; no. Continuing (after some :yankyank: birther "greatest" "hits"):
The Post & Email can report exclusively that on December 30, 2016, Zullo sent a never-before-seen memo to Arpaio detailing the conclusions of the experts Zullo revealed at the presser two weeks earlier.
Zullo wrote:A consensus among these qualified investigators asserts that the PDF file released by the White House on April 27, 2011, purporting to be Barack Hussein Obama II’s original 1961 birth document, is a deliberate digital falsification, constituting a criminal act of deception . . .

Investigators believe that the fraudulent vital statistics document was produced, published, and disseminated for political gain. They view this as potentially one of the most significant instances of fraud perpetrated against the American people for political motives. As a result, it is strongly advised to alert federal authorities about this serious potential criminal offense and push for an extensive congressional inquiry to uncover the complete extent of any legal and Constitutional infringements.
Zullo's final two-page memo. :yawn:

The rest is mostly just recycled grievances; nothing, which you've seen before. Actual "news":
On September 10, 2024, former FBI special agent John DeSouza, whose background includes investigating UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) and writing three books on paranormal investigations, “pinned” a video to his “X” account of an interview in which he said:
DeSouza wrote:In 2008, something unbelievable happened for us in the FBI. We were getting lots of rumors about this high-level asset that worked for several intelligence agencies at the same time. He worked for the Saudi intelligence service, he worked for the CIA, and he was being developed as a political asset in Chicago, Illinois. He was not even a United States citizen, but it was said that he was a student visa [sic] and that he was a national from another country.

In 2008, everyone in the intelligence structure found out who he was. It was this individual whose name I don’t like to say who became president in 2008 — of the United States!! One of his code names was “Renegade”; his real name was “Barry Soetoro.” But he adopted a different name for his political career.

When they ran him for president, the cabal basically – this was the culmination of so many of their plans for so many years. His mission was to destroy the united states from within, one institution at a time.

One of the things he did, of course, was he defunded our military; he brought down the resources that they got. But then, he ordered our military, in many, many instances and in various theaters, to attack our allies and to defend and supply and help our enemies. That’s exactly how he created ISIS. He would say publicly that the military was going to bomb our enemies, but then he would have the military actually bomb enemies of ISIS, our allies. He gave ISIS funding and equipment by basically ordering our military to take equipment into a certain theater and then abandon it, and the commanders would say, “That’s ridiculous; we’d just be handing that stuff over to ISIS,” and the president’s office would say, “Don’t question orders; just follow your orders, and…”
At that point the interview is cut off.

Questions Persist
Did the government-spawned plots over nearly a decade intended to thwart, demonize, impugn and disqualify Trump arise from his overt questioning of Obama’s background?

In light of those machinations, is it implausible to think that the same cast of characters would not have created a forgery to conceal a deep, dark secret which Zullo reported is actually an “open” one?

Did the forgery set the stage for all the other false narratives which followed and the continual gaslighting of the American people?
No; yes; no. You're welcome.
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