Taking Care of Maya - FL CPS/Munchausen case

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Taking Care of Maya - FL CPS/Munchausen case


Post by RVInit »

I caught up with more discussion of the evidence that did not make it into the Kowolksi vs Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital case. The more deeply I learn about evidence in this case the more I am stunned at the judge's decisions not just to suppress evidence, but in my opinion Jack K "opened the door" to some of this evidence when he testified untruthfully about his relationship with his wife, who, it turns out, he actually had served with divorce papers prior to her suicide. Yeah, that is a new thing I had not known. This was some of the suppressed evidence that I caught up on that was discussed on the Nobody Should Believe Me podcast. They have many of the audio recorded depositions, and the fact that Mr K had served divorce papers to Beata is contained in a recorded sworn deposition by Beata's brother. He is the one who found her body. She was still living in the house at the time, but they were no longer sleeping in the same room and since she was the one who was going to be moving out of the house Mr K was sleeping in the master bedroom, she was sleeping in Kyle's room, Kyle was sleeping on the couch, and Beata's brother had been making regular visits from Chicago down to Florida to be a source of support for his sister.

I joined the Patreon at the free level for the Nobody Should Believe me Podcast, and there are additional episodes available for members, even at the free level. Since I don't know how many of you have Patreon or are interested in going there, I will link to the web page for the podcast and there is an Episode called "What Jack Knew" that contains some of the new deposition material I had not known about from Beata's brother, Piotr. I am linking the latest three episodes from the web page, but I believe these are shortened versions of the episodes that I listened to on Patreon, so, if they don't contain some of the stuff I will mention below, it's probably because these are the "non member" version of the episodes". You can join her Patreon at the free level and get longer versions though.

https://www.nobodyshouldbelieveme.com/w ... -to-beata/
https://www.nobodyshouldbelieveme.com/k ... n-shapiro/

Here is a synopsis of the main suppressed evidence that I learned from depositions in the case

1. According to Beata's brother's sworn deposition, one time when he visited his sister he was home all day with Jack and Kyle. Maya was in the hospital by this time. Kyle was playing with Piotr all day long, laughing, swimming, having a good time, absolutely nothing wrong with him. When Beata came home from work Kyle immediately ran to her crying that he was in "severe all over body pain" and he wanted to be taken "for treatment". I was fucking blown away when I heard this. This is exactly the same thing that Jack had told the detective about Maya - playing joyfully all day long and as soon as Beata came home she would cry and claim to be in severe pain. (All of this evidence was suppressed by the judge, the jury had no idea of this. In fact, the jury had no idea of any of the evidence that would have very easily resulted in a complete vindication of the hospital. IMO they had enough to seriously question things, but they would have had to really work through the evidence in a way that the defense was not allowed (by judge's order) to frame it during their closing argument.) I hope this is contained on the versions that I linked above. If not, please let me know and I will try to link the free Patreon version for you if you want to hear it for yourself. Piotr accompanied Beata when she took Kyle to some hospital two hours away for "pain treatment" but doctors could not identify any source of pain in Kyle and the notation on his discharge papers indicated that he did not have any of the normal signs of having pain, such as elevated pulse rate, elevated blood pressure, his demeanor did not match what is normally seen when a person is experiencing pain, and apparently they refused to give him pain medication that Beata was demanding.

2. I already mentioned this above -- Piotr said that Beata had told him over the phone that Jack had served her with divorce papers. He was in Chicago when she called to tell him about this. After they hung up he said he called Jack to ask him "why have you served my sister with divorce papers?" and he stated that Jack just hung up on him. He also said that even though he visited the family several times during that last month prior to Beata's suicide that Jack would not have any conversation with him and the night he showed up at the house (Beata was apparently already dead in the garage and nobody knew about it), that since Beata didn't answer her phone he dialed Jack's number over and over and over again to let him know he was on his way and Jack would not pick up.

The information about Jack actually serving Beata with divorce papers really bothers me given how much money the jury awarded Jack for what essentially amounts to his wife's companionship. There was one week of testimony that the plaintiff put on that dealt with all the money the jury should give this family. During Jack's testimony he whined about how now he rolls over in bed and tries to throw his arm over his wife and she is not there. He couldn't muster any tears over that, and now I understand why. I knew they were not sleeping in the same room for the last month or two of her life, but I had not known he had taken things all the way to actually serving her with the divorce papers.

I am curious as to why the defense was not allowed to put in the evidence about the divorce since Jack seems to have "opened the door" by this kind of testimony. Or maybe I don't fully understand the concept of "opening the door", or maybe it doesn't apply in a civil case? Either way it just stuns me the amount of lies that judge KNEW Jack was telling on the witness stand and his testimony stood for the jury to consider it as fact. This is just one of a multitude of examples of how Mr K took advantage of the various and sundry ways the defense's hands were tied by the judge's rulings. And yet he acted like he was almost a dunce on the witness stand. He is a sly little fox. A litigious sly little fox who has made millions of dollars suing various people - it seems to be his go-to move when he has any kind of disagreement with anyone. A Reddit group has uncovered a shit ton of lawsuits, Jack and Beata both used the legal system to get thousands and now hundreds of millions. And when you see him on the witness stand he uses very simple language, almost sounding like a very low IQ person, he didn't understand anything about his daughter's medical "stuff", denied knowing about any medication she ever was given, acted like a whiny little victim, but couldn't even muster a tear, just his whiny voice. And the jury bought his schtick lock, stock, and barrel. And he's likely going to be laughing all the way to the bank when it's all over. I am hoping the defense is able to get this farcical judgement overturned, but I don't have a great deal of confidence in the system in this particular case.
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Taking Care of Maya - FL CPS/Munchausen case


Post by RVInit »

In case you don't want to listen to these episodes, here are some notes about the "What happened to Beata" episode. The episode that I linked is shorter than the one that is on the members page, and in Andrea's introductions he often mentions that members get "full episodes". So...it's possible that some of the following are not contained in the version I linked or maybe possible that some details of some of the following may not be in the linked version. Not sure what the differences between "full" and "free" versions might be:

1. Piotr, Beata's brother, started coming down to visit from Chicago after Jack moved Beata out of their bedroom, which was shortly after Maya entered the hospital.

2. The day before one of the earlier dependency court hearings Jack packed two suitcases and put them into one of the cars. Apparently he intended to sneak the suitcases into the car without being seen, but Beata and her brother saw him do this. Then he told them he was taking Kyle to get him a pair of shoes. He never came home that day and Beata was frantic because they were all supposed to appear at the court hearing the following day. He did show up for the hearing. Beata and her siblings told Jack that he didn't have the right to separate Kyle from Beata (he and Kyle had gone to stay with one of his brothers). He ended up bringing Kyle back to the house.

3. The relationship between Jack and Beata/Beata's family became very strained after Jack moved Beata out of his bedroom and took a serious nosedive when Beata was blindsided with divorce papers. He has since claimed that they were pretending to separate so that he could get Maya back. That may have been true at some point, but the degree of animosity between Jack and Beata's siblings prior and after Beata's suicide seems way over the top for a "pretend" separation.

4. In addition to the animosity between Beata's family and Jack, Beata's brother had dug into his savings account and his retirement funds, including paying penalties, in order to help provide a place for Beata to live - to the tune of $750,000. That also seems a bit extreme if they were just trying to pretend to move Beata out of the house in order to get the judge to allow Maya to move back home right away.

5. The animosity is real and kind of jaw dropping. This episode has a few clips from depositions of Beata's brother and one of her sisters. There are also clips of the recorded police interview of Piotr on the day he found his sister deceased. There was true venom between them and Jack.

6. Piotr was suspicious that Jack had something to do with Beata's death. The next couple or so entries are some of the things Piotr found weird and disturbing. I am not suggesting here that I agree that any of these suspicions of Piotr's point to the possibility that Jack helped his wife take her life. She was suicidal long before she finally took her life, there is more than ample evidence that she needed no help in that department. I'm just reporting here the different things that were said in depositions and police interviews.

Piotr told the police that several things made no sense to him. He described Jack as being very meticulous about taking care of the house and keeping everything in a state of good repair. But when he showed up at the house he was unable to let himself in because the security system number pad was not working. All of Beata's family had the security codes so if they came to visit and got in late they could use the security pad outside the garage and a side door would open and they could come in without disturbing Beata's family. It turned out that Jack had cancelled the security system contract in the days prior to Beata's death. But on the night that Beata was already dead in the garage it was more than just the security system no longer working, none of the lights or electricity was working in the house at all. The next morning when he went into the garage and discovered his sister he also discovered that the circuit breaker main switch was off. In spite of none of the electric outlets, lights, electric appliances working, Jack apparently had no curiosity whatsoever to go out and check the circuit breaker or try to figure out why the electricity was out. This wasn't Jack being in a daze because his wife was dead, this was prior to anyone discovering her body. (That's kind of weird to just shrug off that the electricity seems to be completely turned off)

7. Beata was known to be suicidal. It wasn't just Jack that knew this, Beata's brother and sisters were aware that she occasionally would remark that maybe she should just kill herself. This was not just after she came under investigation for medical child abuse. She was suicidal in general even before any of this. The day they brought Maya to the hospital one of the doctors was trying to help calm Beata down and tried to assure her that the hospital had every intention to do whatever they could to make sure Maya was comfortable and get her pain under control. She sat on a couch with Beata and explained they were going to talk to Dr Hanna (the quack that was giving Maya the huge and frequent treatments of ketamine) and that they were going to come up with a plan to get Maya as comfortable as possible as soon as possible. The doctor asked Beata what kind of family and friend support system she had after Beata had mentioned that she might as well kill herself and that Maya would probably also be better off if she were dead. (the jury actually heard all of this and we STILL got that fucked up verdict and award)

During this time period, Beata's brother and sisters were really concerned about Beata harming herself or others. They told Jack to please take his gun out of the house or lock it with a new lock were Beata would not have a key. During his interview with the police after he found Beata deceased Piotr told the police he and his sisters were really angry that even after Beata had disappeared the night before and Jack could not find his gun and they all assumed Beata had taken it with her that he STILL did not remove that gun from the house. They found it reprehensible that Jack knew Beata was suicidal and left a gun openly available for her to use. I believe Piotr made these statements in depositions and also said these things to the police on the day he found Beata.

8. The cancelled security system included cameras in every room and also in the garage. This added to Piotr's suspicions since the security system and cameras were cancelled shortly before the estimated time of Beata's death and didn't capture any of her preparations or activity in the garage prior to the suicide.

9. Jack had called one of Beata's sisters the night that Beata was dead in the garage and told her that Beata was drunk and waving around "a weapon". Given the estimated time of Beata's death she would already have been deceased at the time that Jack was claiming she was drunk and waving around a weapon.

10. Beata's brother was honest about the state of Jack and Beata's marriage in his statements to the police. He was not interviewed in front of Jack or Kyle who were both being interviewed by other officers in different rooms. The recording of Piotr's interview was shocking to me, I had no idea of the degree of animosity going on in that family. I already had come to understand that Jack is a lying liar that lies, based on evidence that did and didn't make it into trial, but holy cow, he really is a piece of work.

11. During his interview after Beata was found dead, he told police that the situation with Maya caused stress in their relationship but they were rock solid and totally supported each other and nothing wrong to see here. :faint:

12. Jack told Piotr that Maya was unable to sit up, roll over, could not use the toilet on her own, was covered in wounds (which this family icalls "CRPS lesions"). He said he visited Maya the day after Beata was found dead, and that Maya was in nowhere near the shape Jack claimed she was in.

This one blew my mind. This comes from Piotr and Elizabeth depositions:

12. One of Beata's sisters, Elizabeth, was able to get a flight to Florida shortly after Piotr called to tell his sisters that Beata had apparently committed suicide. Some time after she arrived at the house she decided to take a nap. Jack's brother's wife (or girlfriend, they weren't sure of the relationship) came in the room while she was asleep and pulled the pillow out from under her head and told her to get the hell out of Jack's house. Both Piotr and Elizabeth (the sister) told consistent statements that after the police left and some of Jack's family showed up that Jack and his family quite rudely and loudly yelled at them to get the hell out of Jack's house. These are people that had already loaned Jack and Beata $750,000. Wow.

13. Piotr told the police that Jack had been involved at his previous job in a "sex for money case". :eek: Jack had sued a previous employer for wrongful termination, but the podcaster has no idea what the "sex for money" is about. Considering that this family has so many skeletons in their closets and super oddball behavior, I would not be surprised if sex for money didn't happen in one form or another. This guy is super creepy and I can't say it enough - a lying liar that lies.
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Taking Care of Maya - FL CPS/Munchausen case


Post by RVInit »

I got more information about Jack's lawsuit concerning his employment. This comes from a Reddit thread where someone downloaded the pdf's from the docket. I didn't have time to post at the time I read through this, but I might (or might not, to be honest) go back and find it again and link it here. If you search through Reddit threads on the Kowolski's you can find it pretty easily, there are just a lot of threads so you might have to click each until you find the one where the documents are located.

Jack was passed over for promotion to Fire Chief. His lawsuit is full of whining his opinion about the personality of the man who was chosen to be the new Fire Chief. For some reason in the middle of his whining there is a statement to the effect that the Black members of the fire department like Jack. He doesn't give any context to why this matters or what it has to do with his complaint that he didn't get the promotion. And he doesn't opine on how the Black firefighters feel about the guy that did get the promotion. So, that was kind of weird and there's no explanation for what significance this had.

The city decided to settle with Jack with part of the settlement being that Jack took an early retirement. So, they paid him off and he became a stay at home dad from that point on. The amount of the settlement is not disclosed, but I don't think it was very much. Beata drained the family's finances in getting all the ketamine treatments for Maya. Even the treatments she was getting from Dr Hanna were very expensive with the family constantly doing fundraisers to pay for them. And in the end Beata's brother and sisters (mostly the brother) drained their pocketbooks to the extent of 3/4 of a million to pay for Maya's ketamine and also in anticipation of securing a place for Beata to live.

The incident where Jack's brother and sister in law demanded for Piotr and Elizabeth to leave Jack's house happened after they asked Jack if he had signed paperwork for the repayment of the $750,000. After Beata's family draining retirement funds and savings accounts and Jack serving papers on Beata, Beata told her family she did not want them to give any more funds to Jack (who apparently controlled the purse strings) and also she wanted Jack to pay her family back. Beata apparently thought Jack would not pay them back without a signed loan document, and apparently Jack was telling her he would sign it but having excuses each time it was brought up with "yeah, I will do it later today" and "today" apparently never came. So, after Elizabeth mentioned to Jack that once the funeral was over and they would be going back to Chicago if Jack could go ahead and give them their copy of the document, Jack said he needed to take Kyle somewhere. Jack and Kyle left the house and shortly afterwards Jack's brother and his wife showed up to kick Piotr and Elizabeth out of the house.
"It actually doesn't take much to be considered a difficult woman. That's why there are so many of us."

--Jane Goodall
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