Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris

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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Sam the Centipede »

:think: Apple, lime, grapefruit, satsuma, orange or cherry level panic?

Robert Laity wins the entire fruit salad! :groupdance:
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by bob »

P&E wrote:Reacting to the interview, on Sunday afternoon constitutional activist Robert C. Laity sent the following email to the Metropolitan Police for the District of Columbia:
Laity wrote:You should immediately refer Carville to the Secret Service. It is a disgrace that such threats against Donald Trump are becoming so ubiquitous.

See: 18USC, Sec. 879
P&E: Laity Pursues Complaint Against James Carville:
On Monday, reader and constitutional activist Robert C. Laity filed a complaint with one of his U.S. senators, Kirsten Gillibrand, regarding what he perceived to be a threat made against former President and presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump by longtime Democrat political operative James Carville.

* * *

Laity also contacted the U.S. Justice Department and Secret Service directly.

* * *

Gillibrand’s office replied:
Thank you for contacting my casework team. If you are a New Yorker who needs assistance from a Federal Government agency, my staff will review the information you presented and contact you if additional information is needed.

If you have not done so, you may open a case through my website at There you will find a casework checklist and frequently asked questions about how my office may help.

I appreciate your message and will do everything I can to assist. . . .
On Tuesday morning, The Post & Email called the Secret Service to obtain media contact information and resulting in the following message:
Rondeau wrote:Good morning. My inquiry is regarding comments made by the above individual on “Anderson Cooper 360” on March 21 in which he said of the 2024 presidential race, invoking what he said is a “CIA term,” that someone should do the “wet work” on behalf of Joe Biden because Biden is “not very good at it.”

Does the Secret Service consider that a threat against Biden’s presumptive opponent, Donald J. Trump, and if so, have you taken any action? . . . .
We will advise if and when a response is received.

"For completeness":
Laity (in 2013) wrote:Obama has usurped the presdidency during time of war. He is a spy under the UCMJ and subject to the death penalty if convicted. If he is convicted, Obama should be hung by the neck until dead. A proper sentence for a traitor,fraud and spy. “It is good to hang a” Usurper “Once in awhile as an example to others”.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Luke »

ChatGPT is a super fun toy, now you don't even have to log in to use it. Gave it a whirl on Rondeau & Rev Dr Laity Esq's latest brilliant article:
Will the Secret Service Pay a Visit to Carville?
2 weeks ago by Sharon Rondeau

(Mar. 24, 2024) — On March 21, longtime Democrat political strategist James Carville told CNN anchor Anderson Cooper of the 2024 presidential race that individuals more skilled at lobbing political attacks than Joe Biden should “do what I call ‘the wet work.'”

In his response, Cooper indicated he was aware the term signifies “a mob hit.”
► Show Spoiler

Instructed ChatGPT: fact check this birthers article, critique the grammar and writing style, and write a rebuttal. Literally, as soon as I pressed enter with that instruction and the entire article, it wrote:
The article raises concerns about comments made by James Carville and suggests that his remarks might constitute a threat against former President Donald Trump. Let's fact-check the claims, critique the grammar and writing style, and provide a rebuttal.


1. **Accuracy of the Allegations:** The article implies that James Carville's statement about "the wet work" could be interpreted as a threat against Donald Trump. However, Carville's comments were made in the context of discussing political strategy, and there is no evidence to suggest that he was advocating violence or illegal activities.

2. **Legal Basis:** The article references 18 USC § 879, which pertains to threats against former Presidents and certain other individuals. However, it's important to note that Carville's remarks do not appear to meet the legal threshold for prosecution under this statute.

**Grammar and Writing Style:**

1. **Sentence Structure:** The article contains several lengthy sentences that could be difficult for readers to follow. Breaking up these sentences and using more concise language would improve readability.

2. **Clarity of Argument:** The article jumps between different topics, such as Carville's comments, the definition of "wetwork," and recent police activity in Washington, D.C. This lack of focus detracts from the main argument and makes it challenging for readers to understand the author's point.


The article's attempt to link James Carville's comments to potential threats against Donald Trump is misleading and unfounded. Carville's use of the term "wet work" was metaphorical and related to political strategy, not violence or illegal activity. Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that Carville's remarks meet the legal criteria for prosecution under federal law.

Rather than engaging in baseless speculation and attempting to draw connections where none exist, it would be more productive to focus on substantive political discourse and address the real issues facing our country. Misrepresenting individuals' statements for political gain only serves to further divide our nation and detract from meaningful dialogue.
ChatGPT 1
Rondeau/Laity 0.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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In response to our question as to whether he was in the “path of totality” that day, Laity responded Wednesday morning:

Yes. I was in the direct line of it. I witnessed the area get dark. The automatic night lights at the apartment buildings complex behind my house came on for four minutes and them shut off automatically.

At our Zoo, the birds stopped chirping and the crickets started making a racket. The Lions were roaring.

The area saw an 150,000 person increase in population for a couple days. The road traffic was surprisingly quiet on some streets.

Niagara Falls was a popular viewing area. Both the Canadian and US sides. One of my alma maters Buffalo State College had people in the bleachers watching the festivities.

It was overcast so a peek at the whole thing was a joy to catch. I slept late that day. I woke at around 3:20PM to witness a darkened sky.

As you may be aware, I stay up all night and sleep during the day. I was in the house when the moon passed between the Sun and the Earth. ... -totality/
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by bob »

P&E comment:
Dennis Becker wrote:I have been trying to find the decision in the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission’s 2015 decision in Laity v. Cruz, Laity v. Rubio (BLC 2015-4). The Wayback only displays the first page. ... 8589951233

The New Hampshire Secretary of State website says this

Please reach out to SOS for printable versions of all these documents below:

2015-4: Complaint filed by Robert Laity re. MARCO RUBIO, TED CRUZ, BOBBY JINDAL and RICK SANTORUM | Motion in opposition to dismiss | Response for Rubio from Atty. MacDonald | Ballot Law Commission upheld Secretary of State’s Decision to place the above candidates on the ballot. | Written Decision. ... commission

So it appears they do not have it online.

Do you know anyone who might have copies of the compliant, response and decision?
:rotflmao: :thumbsup: :towel:

Obviously we know the result; I'm assuming the reasoning was discussed on OldBow.

When I click on the link above, I get all three pages of the Laity v. Cruz and Rubio decision. And the same rationale applied to both candidates: there was no obvious defect in their filings, so the SoSoNH's acceptance was reasonable. (This is how the commission dodged having to define natural-born citizen.)
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by realist »

bob wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 5:29 pm P&E comment:
Dennis Becker wrote:I have been trying to find the decision in the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission’s 2015 decision in Laity v. Cruz, Laity v. Rubio (BLC 2015-4). The Wayback only displays the first page. ... 8589951233

The New Hampshire Secretary of State website says this

Please reach out to SOS for printable versions of all these documents below:

2015-4: Complaint filed by Robert Laity re. MARCO RUBIO, TED CRUZ, BOBBY JINDAL and RICK SANTORUM | Motion in opposition to dismiss | Response for Rubio from Atty. MacDonald | Ballot Law Commission upheld Secretary of State’s Decision to place the above candidates on the ballot. | Written Decision. ... commission

So it appears they do not have it online.

Do you know anyone who might have copies of the compliant, response and decision?
:rotflmao: :thumbsup: :towel:

Obviously we know the result; I'm assuming the reasoning was discussed on OldBow.

When I click on the link above, I get all three pages of the Laity v. Cruz and Rubio decision. And the same rationale applied to both candidates: there was no obvious defect in their filings, so the SoSoNH's acceptance was reasonable. (This is how the commission dodged having to define natural-born citizen.)
From that link and the decision: Mr. Laity did not appear at the hearing, and no testimony was offered under oath verifying the assertions in his filing

Shirking his merkun duty. :P
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Sam the Centipede »

realist wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 2:55 pm :snippity:
From that link and the decision: Mr. Laity did not appear at the hearing, and no testimony was offered under oath verifying the assertions in his filing

Shirking his merkun duty. :P
:shrug: Whoda guessed that Laity would be an indolent, cojones-free crap-flinger?

Wot, everybody? :o
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by HoperUp »

Seems like things are heating up with Robert Laity's case against VP Kamala Harris.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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HoperUp wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 4:52 pm Seems like things are heating up with Robert Laity's case against VP Kamala Harris.
Really? How so? I musta missed something. (which is possible)

What exactly is your definition of "heating up"?
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Reality Check »

HoperUp wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 4:52 pm Seems like things are heating up with Robert Laity's case against VP Kamala Harris.
From 0 degrees Kelvin the only way is up but I see no evidence of it heating up.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by bob »

P&E comments:
Dennis Becker wrote:I have been trying to find the decision in the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission’s 2015 decision in Laity v. Cruz, Laity v. Rubio (BLC 2015-4).
Laity" wrote:Rick Santorum’s eligibility was also questioned by me. However, after having Santorum’s background explained to me by the Late great Attorney Mario Apuzzo I was able to conclude that Rick Santorum is an Article II Natural Born Citizen.
* * *
Rubio was also found to be eligible by the Indiana Election Commission. In that case Rubio’s attorney pointed out that the Indians Appeals Court ruling in Ankeny v Governor of Indiana is binding precedent on the Commission.
Laity wrote:Ankeny was improperly decided. State Courts cannot overrule US Supreme Court Precedents such as Minor, Wong Kim Ark, The Venus, Shanks v. Dupont, et al.

* * *

Everyone here should write Trump via his website “The Office of Donald Trump” and convince him NOT to choose anyone who was not born in the US to two US Citizen parents. Regardless of what the courts are sticking with now in their error, Trump can still screen his pick using this standard.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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Laity wrote:
Ankeny was improperly decided. State Courts cannot overrule US Supreme Court Precedents such as Minor, Wong Kim Ark, The Venus, Shanks v. Dupont, et al.
Somebody help me here. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what precedent the Indiana court overruled. Bueller? Bueller?
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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Minor v. Happersett, of course. :crazy:

(yeah, i know better :blackeye: )
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by bob »

realist wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 5:37 pm
Laity wrote:
Ankeny was improperly decided. State Courts cannot overrule US Supreme Court Precedents such as Minor, Wong Kim Ark, The Venus, Shanks v. Dupont, et al.
Somebody help me here. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what precedent the Indiana court overruled. Bueller? Bueller?
Birthers misread those cases to believe that SCOTUS somehow ruled that two U.S. citizens and birth in the United States is required for natural-born citizenship. Because Ankeny held birth in the United States is sufficient, the Ankeny court implicitly and silently "overruled" those SCOTUS cases. :bored:

My personal favorite is The Venus: It doesn't even contain the words "natural-born citizen." Pretty impressive for SCOTUS to define a phase it didn't use! :towel:
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by realist »

bob wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 5:53 pm
realist wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 5:37 pm
Laity wrote:
Ankeny was improperly decided. State Courts cannot overrule US Supreme Court Precedents such as Minor, Wong Kim Ark, The Venus, Shanks v. Dupont, et al.
Somebody help me here. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what precedent the Indiana court overruled. Bueller? Bueller?
Birthers misread those cases to believe that SCOTUS somehow ruled that two U.S. citizens and birth in the United States is required for natural-born citizenship. Because Ankeny held birth in the United States is sufficient, the Ankeny court implicitly and silently "overruled" those SCOTUS cases. :bored:

My personal favorite is The Venus: It doesn't even contain the words "natural-born citizen." Pretty impressive for SCOTUS to define a phase it didn't use! :towel:
Yeah, I knew they misread all those cases, and then in WKA they claim VICTORY!! because the court only said “citizen” not NBC. :roll:

I agree re the Venus. I forget their BS about that one, but I do remember just shaking my head and face palming even harder in that one.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by bob »

P&E comments:
Laity wrote:Vetting ALL candidates is in order. The standard used in the unanimous decision in Minor v. Happersett defining what an NBC is should be used by Trump to choose his running mate. That would be the best way to guarantee that no ineligible candidate becomes his VP.
Ted wrote:People forget Congress ruled John McCain to be a Natural Born Citizen because his parents US Citizens, they had legal opinions from two constitutional scholars entered into the Congressional record in support of Resolution 511.
This is partly why Kamala Harris isn’t a Natural Born Citizen, they can’t have it both ways either the citizenship of one’s parents matters or it doesn’t and Congress proclaimed in 2008 it matters.
Additionally no one mentions the rules for dual citizens that certainly run contrary to the intent of the founders, those state explicitly that dual citizens owe allegiance to and are subject to both nations laws, does that sound like something the framers would have been ok with?
Laity wrote: McCain was NOT an NBC. Although both his parents were American Citizens when he was born, John McCain was NOT born on US Soil. He was born in Colon, PANAMA.
Ted wrote:While he very well may not be the point is that Congress is a resolution proclaiming him to be and the basis they used means Harris isn’t a Natural Born Citizen.
Laity wrote:NEITHER of Harris’ parents were American Citizens when she was born. Harris is a fraud.

Yes, in 2008, Obama cosponsored a non-binding resolution that would have had the effect of making him ineligible. :roll:
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by noblepa »

bob wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 5:40 pm P&E comments:
Laity wrote:Vetting ALL candidates is in order. The standard used in the unanimous decision in Minor v. Happersett defining what an NBC is should be used by Trump to choose his running mate. That would be the best way to guarantee that no ineligible candidate becomes his VP.
Ted wrote:People forget Congress ruled John McCain to be a Natural Born Citizen because his parents US Citizens, they had legal opinions from two constitutional scholars entered into the Congressional record in support of Resolution 511.
This is partly why Kamala Harris isn’t a Natural Born Citizen, they can’t have it both ways either the citizenship of one’s parents matters or it doesn’t and Congress proclaimed in 2008 it matters.
Additionally no one mentions the rules for dual citizens that certainly run contrary to the intent of the founders, those state explicitly that dual citizens owe allegiance to and are subject to both nations laws, does that sound like something the framers would have been ok with?


Yes, in 2008, Obama cosponsored a non-binding resolution that would have had the effect of making him ineligible. :roll:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have read Minor v. Happersett, and, as far as I can tell, the court made no such ruling. The court discussed birthright citizenship, but did not directly address the issue of Natural Born Citizenship.
Wikipedia wrote:Under the common law, according to the court, "it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners."[14] The court observed that some authorities "include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents"—but since Minor was born in the United States and her parents were U.S. citizens, she was unquestionably a citizen herself, even under the narrowest possible definition, and the court thus noted that the subject did not need to be explored in any greater depth.
To my IANAL reading, the passing reference to NBC was, at most, dicta. The question before the court was not whether Virginia Minor was a citizen, natural born or otherwise. The reference was simply a way of saying that and moving on to the real question. The question that they had to decide was whether voting was a constitutionally protected right of citizenship under the 14th amendment.

The court decided that, since the Constitution was silent on the matter of voting rights for women, the state of Missouri was within their rights to deny women the right to vote. The court decided that voting was not an inherent right of all citizens.

So, as much as the birthers love to reference Minor, it really does nothing to bolster their case.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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noblepa wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 7:34 pm So, as much as the birthers love to reference Minor, it really does nothing to bolster their case.
They've been repeatedly told that. By courts, even. They don't care (or, more accurately, believe the courts are wrong).

And that's why they are birthers.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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P&E: Banan-American* Republic:
Laity wrote: The recent judicial travesty and farce that occurred in my state must not be tolerated, namely, the case of The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump, Indictment #71543-23.

* * *

I cannot see an honest Judiciary upholding the fraudulently obtained verdict of “Guilty” in this case.
How convenient for Laity to bake in his presumption that every appellate court (too also) isn't honest.

Bonus: P&E: Trump “Convicted” in New York Sham Trial:

I believe Almighty God will make this right eventually, but I wonder if He is going to punish the entire nation for the sins of a minority who are pagan satanists
What if this conviction is the divine punishment? :think:

* If Laity is going to malprop words, I humbly suggest "Bananan-American" has a better cadence.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by noblepa »

bob wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 5:29 pm :rotflmao: :thumbsup: :towel:

Obviously we know the result; I'm assuming the reasoning was discussed on OldBow.

When I click on the link above, I get all three pages of the Laity v. Cruz and Rubio decision. And the same rationale applied to both candidates: there was no obvious defect in their filings, so the SoSoNH's acceptance was reasonable. (This is how the commission dodged having to define natural-born citizen.)
Me, too. I read the entire decision and I think that it is exactly what I would have written, were I on the commission.

I wholeheartedly agree that it would be helpful in resolving these questions if a competent court (SCOTUS?) would fill in the blanks left in the Constitution's definition (or lack thereof) of Natural Born Citizen, once and for all.

Several of these lawsuits against such candidates, especially against Obama, have been dismissed for lack of standing, but I don't remember any ruling that defined exactly who might have standing to bring such a suit.

If someone with the proper standing were to file such a lawsuit, could (or would) a court take the case. It seems to me that it is a political hot potato, whichever way they were to rule and they might wish to avoid the issue by saying it is a political question and, in effect, through it into Congress' lap.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by northland10 »

noblepa wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:29 pm
bob wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 5:29 pm :rotflmao: :thumbsup: :towel:

Obviously we know the result; I'm assuming the reasoning was discussed on OldBow.

When I click on the link above, I get all three pages of the Laity v. Cruz and Rubio decision. And the same rationale applied to both candidates: there was no obvious defect in their filings, so the SoSoNH's acceptance was reasonable. (This is how the commission dodged having to define natural-born citizen.)
Me, too. I read the entire decision and I think that it is exactly what I would have written, were I on the commission.

I wholeheartedly agree that it would be helpful in resolving these questions if a competent court (SCOTUS?) would fill in the blanks left in the Constitution's definition (or lack thereof) of Natural Born Citizen, once and for all.

Several of these lawsuits against such candidates, especially against Obama, have been dismissed for lack of standing, but I don't remember any ruling that defined exactly who might have standing to bring such a suit.

If someone with the proper standing were to file such a lawsuit, could (or would) a court take the case. It seems to me that it is a political hot potato, whichever way they were to rule and they might wish to avoid the issue by saying it is a political question and, in effect, through it into Congress' lap.
In Ankeny v Governor of the State of Indiana, the courts ruled on NBC. Now, had it made it to SCOTUS would they have denied cert? Probably. Would it have been for the merits or standing? Who knows. The plaintiff never took it further.

Mention this to a birther and you get Yeah but, and redirection. ... 01011.html

Same happened to one of Apuzzo's pet projects.

SCOTUS would probably not take up anything unless somebody was denied ballot access (the closest they could get to a particular injury). Even then, they could punt and say it is not for them to decide (Electoral College decision). Depending on the reasons for being denied ballot access, SCOTUS taking it or rejecting cert might be based on that.

They would need a candidate denied on reasons that showed a disagreement between the states and/or courts. Only then might you get an actual ruling. Beyond that, it is most definitely settled law.
101010 :towel:
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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Isn't one significant reason that courts have not ruled to define natural born citizen* that there has to be a genuine controversy to be resolved?

So that would need to be a candidate barred from standing by a birther official, so the candidate needs to argue the s/he is appropriately qualified, wouldn't it? Most other scenarios fail tests of standing, as history shows.
* As I have explained several times, the phrase is absolutely plain language of its time (and now!) with a clear, complete and unambiguous meaning, so construing it as a term of art or condemning it for vagueness absent any supporting evidence for those conjectures seems perverse, the only justification being that lawyers on both sides have gleefully rushed down that rabbit hole :biggrin:
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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SCOTUS doesn't take up cases just to hand out participation trophies to lower courts for doing their jobs.

There's no dispute among lower courts. There's nothing for SCOTUS to resolve.

There real action won't happen until a presumed eligible candidate is wrongfully excluded from a ballot. And I don't see, for example, a red-state election official tossing the veep from a November ballot.

Besides, the three remaining birthers have made plain that if SCOTUS ever were to rule against their beliefs, they'd just proclaim SCOTUS was wrong.
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


Post by Luke »


Rev Dr Laity Esq breaks major news: Mike Johnson is the president!

It's thoughtful of all the MAGAs to be so concerned about Democrats that they are making recommendations... because they CARE.

My hypothetical: If it was just for the remainder of President Biden's term, and he said he would not be running again, if Biden voluntarily steps down and Kamala Harris steps up, could BARACK OBAMA temporarily be VP? Even if it was eventually struck down, they should pull a Trump and just do it to see if they could get away with it. It would put most birthers in the ground from apoplexy, but collateral damage is just a biproduct.* I mean, since Laity says Harris isn't the VP, and we went through during Obama's presidency that if he wasn't an NBC he couldn't be impeached because he never held the office at all, what would be different? :P At the least, we could lather up some birfers on Twitter with the possibility...*** :lol:

Robert Laity Reply to justanotherday
Monday, July 1, 2024 9:57 AM

Harris is NOT a Natual Born Citizen. She is NOT our current VP. “By law”, she has NO authority to invoke the 25th Amendment against Biden. Even if she wanted to. In an ideal world, Harris would be arrested for usurping her office. Biden would then be able to appoint a new VP. Only that VP, given that he or she IS bona-fide would then have the authority to invoke the 25th Amendment before Biden’s office could be assumed by the VP**. The new president would then appoint his or her VP until such time as any incapacity of the prior president (Biden) is removed. Biden would then notify congress that any incapacitation no longer exists and would reassume the Presidency.

Robert Laity Monday, July 1, 2024 2:01 AM
It is too late to replace Biden. He has been been voted in by the Voters of America and is the presumptive Democrat candidate for POTUS. There are (16) States that prohibit a mid-stream change such as this. The voters determine elections and not the respective parties. Biden is incompetent, He is non compos mentis. A VP MUST participate under the 25th Amendment to remove a President because of disability or impairment.

The problem here is that currently there is NO bona-fide VP. Kamala Harris is NOT an Article II NBC and is NOT the bona-fide. VP.

This MEANS that Biden as incompetent and disabled to be POTUS and Harris’s illegality in office CASTS THE Presidency on Speaker Mike Johnson.

BOTH the President and the VP are legally encumbered at this time. There are “vacancies” in both offices. Johnson IS POTUS ... place-him/

See? We could make just as complicated and dopey a plan as Rev Dr Laity Esq... but for us, it's a joke. As Foggy says, birfers are missing the humor gene.

On the other hand Laity's comment must be TROO since Editor Extraordinaire, who DEMANDS Facts Only, Sharon Rondeau, let this run in the August NEWS OUTLET The P&E!

REEEEEALIST!!!!! :panic:

* NADT. Obviously no, but it would be fun to see if Rharon would publish an editorial of that to counter the "facts" of "Joe DeMaio"/Paul Charlton. You'd hear the popping of little MAGA heads from here to Hawaii haha

** In an ideal world, Laity would be arrested for terminal stupidity and committed to an institution that only provides coloring books -- no internet or cell phones. It might be tough for a few years, but then Laity would settle in and have (objectively) a much more peaceful and productive life.

*** Or... MICHELLE! 8-)
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Robert Laity v VP Kamala Harris


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Birthers daydreaming. :daydreaming:
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