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Post by Sam the Centipede »

I never have any sympathy for anybody carrying a handgun who gets shot, whether they were reaching for it or not. If you have a gun, and police are near you, it's your responsibility to act in such a way that the cops are not tempted to shoot you, however nervous they are. Inflame the situation, even unintentionally, the consequences are yours.

If not: as stated above, it's a deadly version of FA-FO.
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Post by Foggy »

Sovereign citizens have murdered police officers. There's a reason why they call for backup when they realize they're dealing with a sovcit.

I see college graduate, but no job in the obit.

So where did the Beemer come from?
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I'm always curious why kind, upstanding pillars of the community need to be armed at all times.
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Post by bill_g »

Cuz all ammo-sexuals and sov-citz have them some end-timer baked in.
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I liked the part where he finally agreed to show some ID, so he cracked the window and handed the cop his "passport" while he said, "Well, that isn't a real passport, of course." (I'm taking that from the story, didn't watch the video.)

Excellent choice. I bet it was a very beautiful passport. :lol:

He knew he had a gun.

He knew the cops didn't know he had a gun.

He knew they were going to force him out of the car, and then the gun would, at the very least, be discovered and make the whole situation a hundred times more volatile and likely to end in violence.

That's enough facts for me, but I'm willing to learn more.
Edit: Ammon Eggs Bundy will certainly be willing to teach me more. :lol:
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Stupid games, stupid prizes.
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Post by Frater I*I »

Resume18 wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:36 am Extreme sov-cit fa/fo-ing.
Yep, you pack and the cops stop you don't FA or you surely will FO...
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More LEOs need to deal with these morons like this, no nonsense, not engaging inane rambling about the laws, just writing the tickets and towing the junk:

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Post by Delarin »

VICE: ... pped-house
A QAnon Follower Booby-Trapped Her Home With Flashbangs and Pepper Spray
The conspiracy theorist was arrested last week after a door-to-door salesman stepped on a tripwire at her property and suffered hearing loss.

A troubled QAnon follower who believes that former president Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton are trying to have her killed booby-trapped her house with shotguns and pepper spray. She claimed her ex-husband was secretly filming child pornography on the Clintons’ behalf, and is now facing felony charges after being arrested last week.


Hill and Remington will appear in court next month, and in a post on Facebook on Tuesday night, Remington hinted that she may seek to use a sovereign citizen defense. “Sovereign Authority. Written Express TRUST who operates in Private Jurisdiction who has been violated on every level possible,” she wrote. “Thank you for all your help at this time...i need it IN JESUS CHRIST'S HOLY NAME I AM A US FEDERAL COURT WITNESS.”
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Turns out that boobytrapping your house is considered a pre-meditated act of violence in most states, and typically gets the "trapper" jail time.
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Post by Azastan »

John Thomas8 wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:21 pm More LEOs need to deal with these morons like this, no nonsense, not engaging inane rambling about the laws, just writing the tickets and towing the junk:

Brian, a Nye County nutter.
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In a COVID topic, someone brought up a case of a girl and dude that assaulted a woman at her cookie store in Oregon after the owners asked them to leave because they were not wearing masks. After a violent altercation, these idiots went to the police to have the owner arrested for assault. To great amusement (if you aren't the girl and dude), they were arrested instead after they showed the police video they had streamed on YouTube detailing the whole incident of the two of them against the owner. It went to trial. Thought about whether to post it here or there because the girl (and guess Dude but he ran away and is still at large) are SovCits, but it started in the COVID topic. Since some may not look at that topic, here's a link, the audio of the trial is on their YouTube channel and it's nuts.

Many will remember this insanity by the anti-mask activist from the Gresham area of Portland at the cookie store Crumb Together. While usually spoilers aren't fun, in this case, hearing the trial knowing what is coming for Amy Verlee Hall is lovely and satisfying. So check the link for more about this crazy case and trial. ... e-location ... 19#p182732
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Post by johnpcapitalist »

An update on John Darash/Vidurek and the National Liberty Alliance:

A random synapse firing made me think of John Vidurek and the NLA for the first time in quite a while. I visited their site, and they've finally put together the foolproof Mandumbass submission which they apparently filed with SCOTUS in February. Its 232 pages of fonts and footnotes will surely right all the wrongs Vidurek sees in this country. When SCOTUS grants the motion, it will bring about poot heaven-on-earth, with remedies for every poot and SovCit grievance ever:
1) Declare that Common Law the Law of the Land! Declare the Rules enabling Act of 1934 and the 1938 FRCP Null & Void because it subverts the Rules of Common Law! Declare that civil law is not the Law of the Land and is barred from our courts because it subverts the Common Law! [The 1938 FRCP reforms were a big deal; see longer explanation below]

2) Declare clarification between Law & Equity whereas equity courts are for fictions such as gov agencies/agents and commercial activities. And Common Law is for the People, by the People.

3) Declare the 17th Amendment Null and Void because it is prohibited by Article V and deprives States equal suffrage! [Election of US Senators by popular vote instead of appointment by state legislatures, which are gerrymandered enough that there would be a permanent Republican senate majority]

4) Declare that the Organic act of 1871 Null and Void because it created the United States Inc that subverted the United States of America thereby being an act of Treason by the 42nd Congress and the traitorous American Bar Association. [This act reorganized the Washington DC government, and SovCits think this turned the federal government into a corporation.]

5) Unveil and acknowledge the concealed Original 13th Amendment that prevents barristers, titled “Esquire” from holding an Office of Trust and thereby unable to practice their abominable civil law in our courts of Law. All judges and lawyers must sever themselves from the BAR immediately.

6) Declare the unratified 16th Amendment Null and Void because it is prohibited by Article, I Section 9, Clause 4, and it defrauds and enslaves the People. [16th Amendment legalized income tax.]

7) Declare that the Rules of Common Law are the rules of the courts for both Law and equity as it was before 1938. [Related to #1, see below]

8) Declare that the People have the Right of Free Access to courts of Law. [Obviously so that Vidurek can keep more of the pittance he grifts from his dwindling geezer brigade without having to give away $450 for every doomed action he files]

9) Declare that the Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcer of the County. Declare that the County Sheriff’s Office cannot be abolished. Declare that only the Sheriff & Coroner have the authority to call for and bring a case before the Grand Jury and prosecutors can bring their cases to the Sheriff. [What should Connecticut and Alaska do since one abolished counties ages ago and the other never had them? Too, also, what happens when liberal counties elect liberal sheriffs that prioritize putting poots in jail? He's assuming that sheriffs are always conservatives.]

10)Declare that only Common Law Grand Juries are lawful. Declare that the Common Law Grand Jury Handbook is to be distributed to all Grand Jurists. [So Vidurek wants his loony ideas to be the law of the land, apparently.]

11) Declare that only Common Law Petit Juries are lawful. Declare that the Common Law Petit Jury Handbook is to be distributed to all jurists.

12)Declare that the Orientation of the Jury must be by the People via “Jury Administrators” and not barrister lawyers! [And guess who thinks their current crop of pretend grand jury administrators would be ready to assume that role permanently...]

13)Declare the overturning of Engel v. Vitale because it violates the 1st Amendment and denies the knowledge of our King (Jesus Christ) of our Common Law courts. [What poot wet dream would be complete without putting more Jesus in the schools?]

14)Declare Non-Judicial Foreclosures NULL and VOID because they violate the Law and due process secured by Amendment V. [Anything to prevent poots from being foreclosed is a free government handout that obviously disproportionately benefits poots, who are opposed to any government handout that doesn't benefit them.]

15) Declare that the so-called Article I Courts null and void whereas, Article I Section 8, clause 9 vested congress with the power to Constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court as defined in Article III. [The US Tax Court is one example of an Article I court, along with military courts of appeals and a specialized court to hear veteran's benefit cases]

16)Declare that a Habeas Corpus is an unalienable right and must be heard within three days in compliance with the Law. [Near as I can figure, this is so that poots can endlessly relitigate their criminal law cases without having to pay for appeals.]

17) Declare that the practice of Law is an unalienable right. [He's obviously smarting from the fact that all the NLA's court cases get tossed because organizations can only be represented by licensed attorneys and not individuals.]

18)Declaratory Judgment ruling Family Courts violate due process protected by Amendment V. Whereas Family administrative process must be administrated by the People unfettered by legislation and technical rules. [Obviously another poot goal, to enable them to keep their kids and keep abusing them.]
IANAL, but here's my best guess as to what motivates a couple of the items that I hadn't heard before.

I was really intrigued by the item about repealing the 1938 FRCP, which I had not heard of before. I did some digging and realized that this was actually a major reform. First, it broke longstanding tradition that federal courts would follow the rules of the state where they sat. That was a positive result, creating a more consistent outcome across the entire federal court system. However, it seems people thought this meant that the federal government was preempting states' rights, which has echoes of something else that I don't quite recall. ;)

Second, it changed the focus of complaints from pleading to evidence. IANAL, so I don't fully understand this, but apparently the way you wrote a complaint in the past allowed sneaky lawyers to exploit loopholes and inconsistencies in the rules for constructing a pleading, so that they could tie up opponents or win judgments more easily without having to resort to evidence. The 1938 reforms shifted the focus of a complaint to evidence, making it easier to toss a meritless complaint that merely engages in conclusory accusation, something that poots are very fond of doing.

The 1938 reforms also greatly expanded the role of discovery, which was probably a good idea overall, but probably also resulted in poots suing companies with ill-founded complaints to have to wade through tons of material provided by a corporate defendant. Specific production rules also make it hard for poots being sued to endlessly delay cases, because the court can easily rule on whether they have complied with discovery. Net is that poots can't just go into court and keep whining about how the other guy is wrong. Their court opponents can cleverly and evilly play "the evidence card" to win cases against them.

The one about common law working for remedies at law and in equity was also new to me. I was unaware of the distinction, but apparently a remedy in equity (an injunction to do something to fix a problem) requires different standards of proof than a remedy a law (payment of money to make up for harm). It seems to me that poots really love trying to get the courts to make people they don't like do stuff that the poots do like (such as reintroducing God into the schools). The 1938 reforms apparently provided a consistent framework to try both types of cases, where they were previously separate. I'm guessing that this, plus the ease of dismissing cases under the new rules, meant that poots always lost cases that mattered most to them (God in the schools, child protective services, divorces, etc.).

Of course, the Supreme Court will ignore Vidurek's latest 232 pages of fonts and footnotes, and won't even schedule it for conference since he didn't go through the appeals courts when his district court paper-tossing exercises were dismissed. But it's pretty interesting to see what he's telling his followers.

At one point a few years ago, I went through the list of state and county level forums on the NLA web site to assess how many people were active in the group. It seemed that most of the states and counties had only a couple of comments per year. He's now tightened access so I can't access the forum overviews to measure the activity without being an approved member. So I have no idea how many suckers are left funding his battery of fax machines and his futile legal adventures. But he's still out there promising more miracle results.

If anyone cares to read the original drivel, it's here: ... ourt_0.pdf
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Post by johnpcapitalist »

The above about John Vidurek and the NLA sparked and another trip down memory lane a few minutes ago:

I thought about Colorado's finest pretend judge, Bruce Doucette, and wondered how he and his buddies were doing in prison.

Bruce is still moldering away in the privately operated Crowley County Correctional Facility in the tiny town of Olney Springs, about 20 miles east of Pueblo, in the middle of the vast prairie. He's eligible for parole in July 2034, and for full release in July 2053, when he'll be 92. That's the facility he was originally assigned to.

Steven Nalty, age 73, is now in the Sterling Correctional Facility, in the NE part of the state, near the Nebraska border. I think this is a different location than where he was originally confined. He's up for parole in May, 2035, when he'd be 85. Full release is in May, 2055, when he would be 105.

The bewildered-looking Steven Byfield appears to have been moved to the Buena Vista Minimum Center up in the mountains. I don't recall where he was before, but if memory serves me correctly, he was not there. He's eligible for parole in May, 2026 and completes his sentence in May, 2037. Unfortunately, the Buena Vista Minimum Center is known for its mental health facilities, so it may be that Byfield isn't doing that well.

Incidentally, I wondered how many people were carrying the torch for their hero, continuing their promised ceaseless efforts to get these guys sprung from prison. A Google search turns up absolutely nothing other than a couple of republished articles that were written at the time of his conviction. The outrage seems to have subsided. The web site that they used to host their screeds has been almost silent since their convictions other than a couple of cut-and-paste COVID conspiracy posts. It's a freakin' ghost town out there, with the digital equivalent of tumbleweeds rolling through the streets.
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Post by pipistrelle »

johnpcapitalist wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 10:52 pm The above about John Vidurek and the NLA sparked and another trip down memory lane a few minutes ago:

I thought about Colorado's finest pretend judge, Bruce Doucette, and wondered how he and his buddies were doing in prison.
I dunno much about Doucette, other than he kept posting on Facebook for Lisa Bundy to contact him immediately because he could get Ammo out of jail pronto. I dunno why he didn't message her directly vs. posting in comments, and he didn't say how he was going to make this wonderful thing happen. Also dunno if she got back to him. But Ammo's out and Doucette is not.
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thank you JP!
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Post by Luke »

JPC, another fantastic update! Thank you very much!

The story of Bruce Douchette is truly a classic. the 84 page topic is on the old Fogbow forum at ... +douchette and it's comedy gold. Here's JPC's original message:
Colorado Pretend Judge Bruce Doucette + Pretend Grand Jury LARPers Stephen Nalty, Steven Byfield, et al.
#1 Post by JohnPCapitalist » Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:24 am

Yesterday, on Facebook, Krazy Kapt. Karl posted the following:
Karl P. Koenigs 2 hrs ·
-------------------------> THIS IS NOT A DRILL ! ! ! <-----------------------------

All Common Law Grand Jury Administrators and Superior Court Judges for Colorado State are now being bring arrested by the FBI FEDcoats for attempting to restore the rule of Constitutional law and order upon any Municipal, County or State official who is conducting Title 18 U.S. Code 2381 Capital Felony Treason by violating the Supremacy clauses 2 & 3 of the Constitution and/or We The People.


Several persons have been rounded up and charged with several so called Felony counts.

Looks like Krazy Kapt. Karl is right. Pretend judge Bruce Doucette got nabbed and is in the Arapahoe County (CO) jail on $250,000 bond. Here's the booking info which doesn't give a lot of detail on the charges, from the web site: (no pic there anymore)

So it sounds like he's not wanted by Arapahoe County but presumably by some other agency, perhaps the Feds. It will take more digging than I can figure out how to do to understand exactly who has put out the warrant on Bruce and it will also take a while to figure out who else got swept up in this raid. Too bad we missed the Thursday night pretend marshal call, which probably had something about it. Unfortunately, I just saw this and missed the call. Do they have a recording of it?

Pretend judge Anna put a post up a few minutes ago referencing pretend judge Bruce's arrest. I would have to believe that a lot of the other pretend judge and pretend marshal crowd have to be soiling their diapers right about now, wondering when they will hear the knock on the door.
Some time ago I separated myself and my Living Law team from Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton and “Judge Micky” and various others who started out with the goal of restoring the lawful de jure government, but then, went off track.

This is not my first rodeo and not the first time I have had to do this. Patriot leaders and the groups they establish regularly become convinced that rain falls up and fire doesn’t burn.

Now I hear that Bruce Doucette and several others have been arrested and are facing sixteen felony counts. There will probably be more arrests to come.
Here’s an example: you can’t claim with one breath to be a Colorado State Judge and with the next breath claim that you have authority as a judge in Oregon, too. It doesn’t work that way. Land jurisdiction offices are tied to the land and have strict geographic boundaries.

I have explained that fact hundreds of times, but it just went in one ear and out the other with some people. They kept on claiming to have authorities here, there, and everywhere.

I had one woman tell me she was a “United States Justice of America”--- a totally made-up name for a non-existent office, yet she insisted that she had universal authority in all fifty states and she wanted a badge to prove it, too.

Yes, Virginia, there really are wing-nuts out there. And they are dangerous. They are dangerous in and of themselves, because they do crazy things and make crazy claims of power and authority based on thin air, but more importantly, they are dangerous because they mislead other people.
There are a lot of disgruntled, unhappy Americans out here in the trenches and many have righteous complaints; unfortunately, we’ve also been dumbed down and kept ignorant so that most people don’t know how their government is supposed to work and some won’t take the time and make the effort to learn, much less implement it.

They want to go out and do their own thing. Damn the torpedoes. Damn the law. Damn the limitations of old, outmoded public offices. We are the people, we can do whatever we want! …..And so on.

Inevitably, such people come to the attention of the FBI and other agencies and just as inevitably they get arrested--- because what they are doing and encouraging others to do, is wrong.

Left to the mercy of such leaders we could wind up with the Glory Rangers of America at our door, parading around and lording it over the rest of us with no rhyme or reason to anything.

Once you leave the tracks our Forefathers built, it’s too easy to devolve into a world of Simon Says or Bruce Says or Anna Says, a world in which there are no rules beyond raw power, and no law but public sentiment.

That’s why, even though I am saddened by this turn of events, I am relieved also. All an insurrection does is harm innocent people on both sides of the fence.
It sounds like something one of us might write except for the minor difference that pretend judge Anna is only criticizing other wingnuts who are not pretending according to her rules.
One more post from JPC:
Re: Arrest of Pretend Judge Bruce Doucette
#27 Post by JohnPCapitalist » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:45 am

I listened to the first 15 minutes of the "We the People of Colorado" call from Wednesday April 5. It was tons of fun watching them squirm as they tried to figure out what happened. This call is run by members of the "Four Corners Doctrine" web site, which appears to be followers of pretend judge Bruce even though the home page currently features pretend judge Anna's screed disavowing her association with him.

The call was run by pretend judge Michaelina Formanack, who has been up on the radar screen recently in conjunction with the dismissal of chief pretend marshal Tresa Haywood. The excerpt I listened to consisted of a bunch of them trying to figure out exactly who had gotten busted.
Apparently, 5 FBI agents showed up at Dave Coffelt's house after he had left for work, so he may have gotten bagged at work, which I bet really helped his career prospects. Not sure who Dave Coffelt is. The only "Dave Coffelt" that turns up in a SovCit context in a google search for Dave Coffelt in Colorado is a post about a foreclosure on the odd Arnie Rosner "Scanned Retina" site at: ... nal-offer/ (site is gone)

Pretend marshal Jeremy Costley, who lives in the desert in Costilla County, probably one of those people that pretend judge Bruce tried to help with their zoning problems, said that the FBI interviewed him on February 21, alleging that he was impersonating a peace officer. It's not clear whether Costley was arrested or merely interviewed, as Costley said that the FBI mentioned pretend judge Bruce and pretend judge Johnson (who I'm not familiar with) in their affidavit.

Pretend judge Michaelina Jo said that there was a rumor that Rodger Dowdell had a warrant out but that was not the case. She didn't elaborate on how she knew this -- whether she had contacted him directly or not. Bet Rodger is soiling his diapers if the heat really came close to grabbing him.

One precious sidebar: pretend judge Steven Curry (he of the fake asteroid fraud fame) claimed that Trump fired FBI director James Comey and replaced him with Rep. Trey Gowdy, he of the bizarre hair and embarrassing cross-examination of Hilary Clinton in the Benghazi probe. Never mind that the FBI director has a fixed term of office (10 years IIRC) to prevent exactly that sort of partisan meddling. Most amusingly, Krazy Kapt. Karl functioned as a voice of reason telling the crowd that he ran an internet search and found no evidence of this even in "trusted" (i.e., loon) media.
It's a terrific read. Douchette et al really showed us who's the boss!
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Thanks JohnP, it's always interesting to have these "where are they now?" updates on old "friends". And thank you for investigating the 1938 FRCP thingy.

It is deeply sad that people continue for some many years in deluded tilting at windmills.

I like the way Vidurek screeches and screams "do what I saaaayyyy!!!!" in his scribble. From the second paragraph of the linked document in JohnP's post:
The attached Writ Mandamus is a “Common Law Prerogative” that proceeds according to the “Rules of Common Law” and NOT Federal Rules of Civil Procedure under Leviathan’s civil law. You are commanded to deliver :o said Mandamus to the addressed Justice under penalty of Law for aiding and abetting for treason :o if you unlawfully conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate, or destroy said document.
You are directed to obey :o the Law by “Time Stamping the Cover Sheet” and return a copy using the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope without delay. :o If you choose not to obey :o the Laws clearly stated below, you are commanded to return :o a copy of your oath, surety bond and financials as required by law upon demand, :o in accordance with 1 Stat 122 and 2 Stat 298 and FRCP Rule 902, Article VI Clause 3, Title 31 USC §225.1. You are compelled to answer :o under 28 USC §1361.
Gosh, the clerks at the Supreme Court will be quaking in their pink fluffy slippers at the Vidurek's warnings and threats! But how does Vidurek plan on enforcing those threats? As JohnP explains, the NLA itself cannot be heard (cos representation), and no court has agreed with him, few even acknowledge him, and NLA keyboard warriors rarely pull on their pants to move from their basements. Perhaps a few RWNJ sheriffs (the highest authorities in the land!) would agree (because RWNJ) but even they would value their careers and liberty too much to attack the court system and judges.

I like their "Writ Mandamus" (isn't it usually "writ of"?). Vidurek shouts at the clouds:
Plenty of footnote references (a very powerful spell in Vidurekian mythology) but :fingerwag: too little Latin, which boosts the power level of footnotes. One of the super-powerful footnotes explains the Writ Mandamus:
6 Writ Mandamus – An extraordinary judicial writ issuing out of a court of superior jurisdiction, directed to an inferior court or tribunal exercising judicial powers, for the purpose of preventing the inferior tribunal from usurping a jurisdiction with which it is not lawfully vested,
So in Game Of Vidurek ("how far can you fling that paper?"), Come On Laura, Grandma's Juicy is "a court of superior jurisdiction" empowered to direct the Supreme Court of the United States. Heck, the only people allowed to direct SCOTUS are rich white dudes who donate to the Republican Party!
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Post by northland10 »

johnpcapitalist wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:24 pm A random synapse firing made me think of John Vidurek and the NLA for the first time in quite a while.
You probably should see a doctor about that.
johnpcapitalist wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:24 pm I visited their site, and they've finally put together the foolproof Mandumbass submission which they apparently filed with SCOTUS in February. Its 232 pages of fonts and footnotes will surely right all the wrongs Vidurek sees in this country. When SCOTUS grants the motion, it will bring about poot heaven-on-earth, with remedies for every poot and SovCit grievance ever:
Three pages are listing out all the courts and indictees who ignore them. I'm VD.. hear my failure.
johnpcapitalist wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:24 pm
Vidurek/NLA wrote: 3) Declare the 17th Amendment Null and Void because it is prohibited by Article V and deprives States equal suffrage! [Election of US Senators by popular vote instead of appointment by state legislatures, which are gerrymandered enough that there would be a permanent Republican senate majority]
I don't think he really understands the concept of an amendment.
johnpcapitalist wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:24 pm
Vidurek/NLA wrote: 4) Declare that the Organic act of 1871 Null and Void because it created the United States Inc that subverted the United States of America thereby being an act of Treason by the 42nd Congress and the traitorous American Bar Association. [This act reorganized the Washington DC government, and SovCits think this turned the federal government into a corporation.]

5) Unveil and acknowledge the concealed Original 13th Amendment that prevents barristers, titled “Esquire” from holding an Office of Trust and thereby unable to practice their abominable civil law in our courts of Law. All judges and lawyers must sever themselves from the BAR immediately.
johnpcapitalist wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:24 pm
Vidurek/NLA wrote: 6) Declare the unratified 16th Amendment Null and Void because it is prohibited by Article, I Section 9, Clause 4, and it defrauds and enslaves the People. [16th Amendment legalized income tax.]
Still trying to sue all the IRS folks for making you pay taxes?
johnpcapitalist wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:24 pm
Vidurek/NLA wrote: 8) Declare that the People have the Right of Free Access to courts of Law. [Obviously so that Vidurek can keep more of the pittance he grifts from his dwindling geezer brigade without having to give away $450 for every doomed action he files]
He's still mad that the court in New York told him to stop filing all sorts of crap into the long-closed case and told him, if they have to do a new case, he has to file a new case. But, but, but COURT OF RECORD1.
johnpcapitalist wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:24 pm The 1938 reforms shifted the focus of a complaint to evidence, making it easier to toss a meritless complaint that merely engages in conclusory accusation, something that poots are very fond of doing.
Also, Klayman's favorite pastime, when not suing Judicial Watch or the DC Board of GILHaters
Sam the Centipede wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:49 am Plenty of footnote references (a very powerful spell in Vidurekian mythology) but :fingerwag: too little Latin, which boosts the power level of footnotes.
IMHO, it was a bit thin on the 𝖄𝖊 𝕺𝖑𝖉𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖑𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝕱𝖔𝖓𝖙2 as well. There were some but not enough for the magic to take full effect. This is probably why I can't find it anywhere on the SCOTUS docket.

1 I'm a stupid footnote, hear me pout.

2 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖙𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖊𝖛𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊3

3 I don't know if the actual Old English Font is working for all users so maybe your magic is gone but I compensated with a footnote for a footnote which is an extra powerful footnote, especially if it is in a special language.4

4 𝕮𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖔, 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖘, 𝖔𝖒𝖓𝖊𝖘 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖒𝖚𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖔 𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖘
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northland10 wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:01 am 4 𝕮𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖔, 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖘, 𝖔𝖒𝖓𝖊𝖘 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖒𝖚𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖔 𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖘
What does this mean? We don't learn Latin in the schools I went to! 😭
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Kriselda Gray wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:09 am
northland10 wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:01 am 4 𝕮𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖔, 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖘, 𝖔𝖒𝖓𝖊𝖘 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖒𝖚𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖔 𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖘
What does this mean? We don't learn Latin in the schools I went to! 😭
I didn't either and copied from another site so I cannot be sure how correct it really is, but this is about NLA so correctness is not really needed.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

O chose that phrase because it had absolutely nothing to do with the topic but was latin. And ice cream.
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northland10 wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:12 am I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

It was the "lactis" that made me curious because I thought that related to milk, but had NO idea what milk had to do with the law... :lol:
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Sam the Centipede wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:49 am Thanks JohnP, ---
wandering mind ..... JohnB ... Sloop John B .....
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Alistair Coleman
This Canadian judge’s ruling on a Sovereign Citizen who claimed he was exempt from traffic laws and that he is now called Tiberius Rex is absolutely [chef’s kiss]. Contains the words “nonsensical bafflegab”.
Haven't read the whole thing yet, but it looks like lots of fun. Canadian judges aren't amused by this kind of baloney.
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The bunch of 'Tubers I follow that track these nuts and Frauditors have run across a rocket surgeon called "DeleteLawz", Chillie Decastro. Chili goes around hassling police and other decent people in public while live-streaming the confrontations. He has a long criminal record, everything from illegal left turns to permanent restraining orders. He consistently files and loses court cases while demanding recognition as a constitutional scholar.

He's an idiot:

Mike gets a giggle out of his antics:

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