Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Arthurwankspittle »

Uninformed wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 3:27 am Where’s the pratbike?
Good point. That picture is short of a Honda.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Suranis »

Would the Pratbike be a separate vehicle to the Pratmobile for the purpose of liberating it from the Bluecoats concentration camps?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Karl posted a video of him ranting his normal nonsense and then shofaring. You are warned that Karl is shirtless in this video so I'm gonna spoiler it.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by TheNewSaint »

Well, he's up to 23 YouTube subscribers. I seem to remember he was stuck on 15 for the longest time.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

While searching the very limited Utah court stuff (unless you want to pay a monthly fee), I noticed that there is an extradition hearing for Karl scheduled on the 10th. This may have been left over from before they released him and no longer applies.

Now, is it possible that the case is still active but he is not being held? It would not surprise me if Karl lied about that.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Baidn »

johnpcapitalist wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 12:49 pm
All of it seems to be a fantasy that will ultimately show that rural know-nothings with lots of gunz, like him, are going to be in charge after the collapse. After all, accumulating gunz at great expense for decades hasn't really resulted in any increase in power over life's circumstances for those people, so it's easy to hope that a really big collapse of civilization will finally justify the money they've wasted -- a massive sunk cost fallacy. All those gunz haven't made people any safer or raised their standard of living. All they've done is sucked up disposable income that gun buyers already didn't have.
I blew the mind of one of the RWNJs in my extended family one time explaining a more realistic scenario to him. If you're a lone "survivalist" (as they laughingly think of themselves) with a shit ton of guns all that means is that when the organized group with more planning and patience comes upon you in that societal collapse scenario is that your guns are now their guns. I don't need to have more weapons and ammo than you. I just need to wait you out since my community with our complimentary sets of skills will be in much better condition than you. Also I don't need an armory just one bullet and to be a better shot. Funny how in a real world apocalypse Karl and his ilk would just make themselves liabilities at best and devour each other within days at worst.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Dave from down under »

There was one survivalist show I accidentally watched...

Lots of rugged individualism... that failed... until they put their egos aside and started working together.

The gun nuts really want the guns to be able to loot the people they plan on killing.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Baidn »

Dave from down under wrote: Fri May 07, 2021 10:07 am

The gun nuts really want the guns to be able to loot the people they plan on killing.
True though they'll never admit it. The same person I was talking about earlier had his home ransacked specifically because it was well known that he stockpiled guns and ammo (they broke in while he was out of town and stole the gun safe itself as well as the ones on display etc) his solution of course was to buy EVEN MORE guns to defend himself next time.... (His young son has also accidently shot another family member, of course he remains firmly against requiring trigger locks on stored fire arms because these people are beyond help)

Back on the main topic what is with Sovcits and their weird cultural appropriation stuff? Karl with his ancient Israelite cosplay and the moops with pretend Islam. Did get a kick out of his demand that all politicians be arrested, it reminded me of another infamous failure Mike Parsons in court when he said "this motion relieves you of duty! This matter is now DISMISSED!" while shackled in the courtroom. *Paused for effect*......*judge just kind of blinks at him for a bit then* "Alright...so moving on with the issue of detention what is the government's position?" It was pretty much the entire poot movement in a nutshell :lol: step one: make broad sweeping important sounding announcements and declarations! Step two: be completely ignored! Step three: Repeat until dying in prison!
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by woodworker »

And none of these nuts ever take into account the different calibers, the cleaning and maintenance stuff, the sheer weight of all the guns and ammo they brag about and will have to carry. After all, if they are going to conquer everyone else, they need to move around, and if all they are going to do is defend their house, boo fucking who -- cut the water and power lines and ignore them.

And for those who are over-weight and have bad backs and knees (like me), how the fuck they are going to get down on the ground and then get up again, or run and dodge. What about medics for injuries they receive, or are they all invincible? What about food and water and shelter? I remember one picture from a Texas long gun open carry stunt and one of the "gentlemen" had to pushing close to 400 pounds and had a belly literally almost down to his knees. He would stroke out if he had to walk 100 yards quickly, much less run.

When I get made Emperor for Life, I will have all those assholes dropped off in the middle of the Rockies just before the snow hits, with one canteen, a Bowie knive, one gun of their choosing and as many rounds as they can carry. See if they make it to spring -- they may fancy themselves rough tough mountain men, but Jeremiah Johnson didn't need no fucking French Vanilla creamer.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Hey, mark your calendars for 5/18! Anybody in? Foggy? Realist? Scir? Anybody want to bring their kids?
Utah STATE CAPITOL OPEN CARRY CAMPOUT COMMENCES ON MAY 18TH because it is the first day of a two day Special Legislative Session.

And, it LASTS UNTIL HELL FREEZES OVER, the Second Coming, OR the Legislators and Governor sponsors and passes an exact facsimile of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, so that the incremental State Nullification of all Republican and Democrat, POTUS, SCOTUS and Deep State usurpation of Powers, SPENDING, and unlawful Income Taxation, are State Nullified and each one of a hundred nullifications, monthly, are ENFORCED by Law Enforcement ACTION. And, if and when necessary, called up by our County Sheriff, the AMFF currently stationed in all neighborhoods near you, shall back them up.


Time is of the essence !

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution

The Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the Right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Today I met perhaps 15 - 20 Utahans who REALLY want to and are coming to surround our State Capitol. And, they are bringing their families and children to the PEACEFUL Constitutional Open Carry PROTEST and DEMONSTRATION to be apart of the historic day when WTP of Utah [Since when is Karl "WTP of Utah"? WI will be so upset. :( ] compel our State Legislators and Governor to restore Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER upon ALL Republicans, Democrats, POTUS, SCOTUS and The Deep State by way of Tenth Amendment supreme LAW of the land, aka States Rights, State SOVEREIGNTY and State NULLIFICATION via The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION so that our Free, Independent and SOVEREIGN Country of Utah can State Nullify many Thousands of direct Capital Felony INSURRECTION and TREASON, by the Republicans, Democrats and POTUSs, current and all the way back to the 1913 TRIFECTA of Constitutional INSURRECTION and TREASON against Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

AND, HERE'S the kicker; One of them has a girlfriend who is a leader of Young Americans Against Socialism (YAAS) at Utah State University. He is going to ask her to have me speak at the University regarding our ACTION PLANS to SURROUND THE STATE CAPITOL, in a PEACEFUL Constitutional OPEN CARRY PROTEST and DEMONSTRATION campout FOREVER, until Hell Freezes over, The Second Coming OR until the Legislature and Governor sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, so that County Sheriffs can enforce each and every State Nullification of Republican, Democrat, POTUS, SCOTUS and Deep State SWAMP usurpation of Powers, SPENDING and Income Taxation not delegated to them under ARTICLE I Section 8 of The Constitution. We anticipate the incremental State Nullification of all, ALL usurpation of Powers, SPENDING and unlawful Income Taxation, amounting to many thousands of INSURRECTION and Capital Felony TREASON, since 1913, where by AT LEAST 100 usurpations per month will be restored back as R reserved 2 UT, or 2 us, We The People of Utah State.


Time is of the essence !

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution

The Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the Right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Watch & Pray FEMA coffins ⚰️ ordered by the de facto government and paid by the tax payers.

God bless us all 🙏🇺🇸 😳😡


Muster up your own AMFF tactical ground forces, aka Minutemen, with a designated sniper or three. AND, TRAIN TOGETHER! There are AWESOME AMFF training videos on YouTube. Training also greatly protects each other from friendly fire.

God be with us! It is up to the Lord and the AMFF to defend our God endowed individual unalienable Rights from all POTUS's, SCOTUS, Republicans, Democrats and their Deep State of Executive branch alphabet soup Agencies and Bureaus that are explicitly prohibited from even existing in the first place pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

Protect your LIVES, Liberty and Property! Muster up your friendly neighborhood AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES unit TODAY!!!

Si vis pacem, para bellum

I remain,

Very truly yours,

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of "The Supreme Law of the land"

God be with us!

Karl is still railing and comes out against... qualified immunity. He's a very mixed-up poot, isn't he?

Nearly every single BLUEcoat in every State in the Union, who pulls you over, in VIOLATION of his Oath to support and defend The Constitution, of the 4th Amendment LAW, of TITLE 18 U.S. Code Sections 241 and 242 Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law and of TITLE 42 U.S. Code 1983, with regards to an American citizen exercising his/her God endowed individual unalienable Right, supported and defending by a plethora of Federal and SCOTUS decisions known as The Right To Travel, by any means of conveyance we choose, without Vehicle Registration and/or Driver's License, always, in utter disregard and contempt for the Rule of the supreme Law of the land, will use THE EXCUSE that because we are impounding your vehicle we are going to perform a service for you and inventory everything in your car ie violate your 4th Amendment Right.

THIS US A CAPITAL FELONY BLUEcoat Crime under the above listed laws and many others.

This is just another reason why Qualified Immunity MUST BE ELIMINATED in every State Of the Union!

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Supreme Law of the land.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Drunker than shit as is normal. I don't like this new quote thingy for whatever it is worth. I was kinda mostly good at cutting down posts I was responding to. I bet he won't show up at Joshy's thing tomorrow (they hate each other).
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Estiveo »

scirreeve wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 1:39 am Drunker than shit as is normal. I don't like this new quote thingy for whatever it is worth. I was kinda mostly good at cutting down posts I was responding to. I bet he won't show up at Joshy's thing tomorrow (they hate each other).
Um..did we start the new quote thingy?

Eta: apparently not.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

scirreeve wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 1:39 am Drunker than shit as is normal. I don't like this new quote thingy for whatever it is worth. I was kinda mostly good at cutting down posts I was responding to. I bet he won't show up at Joshy's thing tomorrow (they hate each other).
This could be an excellent project for you, Scir -- you could mediate a resolution between these two Patriots! It could be like the Camp David Accords. Hang out with them for hours and hours and really get to the bottom of their issues and find creative solutions to bring them together to the point where they both blow the "showfar" together. It would be heartwarming. Maybe Foggy would let you stream it live on Fogbow. You might end up eligible for a Noble Peace Prize! :P

Might be like this:

Ten Historic Peace Deals The World Actually Managed To Pull Off
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/peace-de ... _n_7224950
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

scirreeve wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 1:39 am Drunker than shit as is normal. I don't like this new quote thingy for whatever it is worth. I was kinda mostly good at cutting down posts I was responding to. I bet he won't show up at Joshy's thing tomorrow (they hate each other).
I might have had a beer or 2 and have my beer goggles on. Sorry for fake news.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by TheNewSaint »

Kaptain Karl wrote: Utah STATE CAPITOL OPEN CARRY CAMPOUT COMMENCES ON MAY 18TH because it is the first day of a two day Special Legislative Session.

I'm setting the over-under at 7 hours, 30 minutes.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Dave from down under »

If he cannot drink while doing this..

30 minutes max.

If he can... a 3 day bender
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Uninformed »

I would be surprised if he turned up.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by woodworker »

I expect that the Bluecoats will arrest and detain him, per Soros' orders, in order to ensure that he can't lead the revolution and that, without his godly leadership, the revolution will have to be rescheduled for a later date.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by thearmbarkid »

TheNewSaint wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 3:48 pm
Kaptain Karl wrote: Utah STATE CAPITOL OPEN CARRY CAMPOUT COMMENCES ON MAY 18TH because it is the first day of a two day Special Legislative Session.

I'm setting the over-under at 7 hours, 30 minutes.
I have money on #FatRambo shooting himself in the dick at the 3 hour mark. PVT Koenigs never was much of a marksman; he couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Frater I*I »

thearmbarkid wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 6:12 pm
I have money on #FatRambo shooting himself in the dick at the 3 hour mark. PVT Koenigs never was much of a marksman; he couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat.
He's gonna need on hellva scope to pull that one off... :lol:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by rossgw »

Frater I*I wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 7:01 pm He's gonna need on hellva scope to pull that one off... :lol:
A Microscope?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

Uninformed wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 5:08 pm I would be surprised if he turned up.
That is a distinct possibility. If he gets 3 people, he won't be one of them.

I took a look at the grounds. Given the layout of the legislative buildings (which I suspect are connected underground), he would need to surround the entire campus. That looks to be 1 Km. To stop people he would need them about a meter apart. That means, 1,000.

I suspect he probably has not even reconned the place to create a plan on accomplishing the task. I would love to see him do this to one of the capitals where the main capital is connected to legislative office buildings across the street by tunnels. His group would be out there surrounding the capitals while the legislators drove out of the parking garages at the office buildings.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

northland10 wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 9:25 pm His group
Ha ha ha ha.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Karl says Twitter "canceled" him, but his account is still there complete with "hanging Dr. Fauci". Maybe we should start posting about "hanging #FatRambo" and see how he likes it. Drunken criminal idiot.

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[ File : 1_4949850410211869602.mp4 ]

This should be viral and discussed!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡


Twitter canceled me, BECAUSE WTP HAVE A RIGHT TO BE indignant about Dr. Fauci literally killing us Americans via COVID19 Vaccines. I reported these facts on Twitter and they canceled me...


He has MURDERED at least 4000 Americans via Vax. How many more of us is he going Vax kill before we hang him?

https://www.peoplealwayswin.com/2021/05 ... rom-covid/

Also watch Dr. Fauci lie in a Congressional hearing to Rand Paul here:

Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

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