Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Arthurwankspittle »

Why does Korporal Karl #fatrambo keep asking for volunteers when he commands the AMFF of 10,000? That alcohol induced amnesia must be getting bad. Then again, it would explain why he keeps forgetting to attend court hearing and sue judges and the like.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by TheNewSaint »

He also seems to be getting more long-winded. 90% of what Karl says exists in autotext, but at least he used to be brief and on-topic. Now everything is blah blah deep state blah blah hyperinflation blah blah global rest blah blah blah. He rambles all over the place. I wonder if this is another side effect from his lifetime of excessive alcohol consumption.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

The bar opened early!
Ammon Bundy, You said; "Help more people to say NO and be ready to defend that NO."

That is precisely what I did yesterday and the day before at the events. And, they are ready, willing and able, to say NO to the Global Reset and restore gold and silver coin, in pursuance to the currently existing Rule Of Law, as our and God's money He, in His ultimate wisdom, provided to us since Adam.

WTP stand ready, willing and able, to campout at the State Capitol, in peaceful open carry demonstration/protest assembly to restore the Rule of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, via States Rights, State SOVEREIGNTY and State NULLIFICATION of ALL usurped Powers and SPENDING, by all POTUSs, SCOTUS, Republicans, Democrats and The Deep State of Executive branch alphabet soup Agencies and Bureaus that are explicitly prohibited from even existing in the first place, pursuant to the first currently existing law in U.S. Code, aka The Declaration Of Independence and its two dovetail documents the whole Constitution and the entire Bill Of Rights, most important of these Rule Of Ninth and Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

Many people have asked me to speak at their homes, neighborhoods and Patriot events to facilitate their fortified desire to restore the Laws of the Union, that WTP, by the grace and authority of God, ordained and established upon our Public SERVANTS. To maintain God as our ONE and ONLY KING.

We STAND as FREEMEN HERE! And, thereby THE LAW, we STAND for God as our ONE and ONLY God and King!

Perhaps this metaphor might better convey our resolve to restore Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, inspired by our Father, here in Utah. No surrender, no retreat to our elected and appointed treasonous Insurrectionist Cowards, who are letting us to fall to the NWO/OWG and UN Agenda 21/2030.

I STAND with my God. And, my people, against the ONE WORLD Government, of Satan. And, my God's Liberty for them, Deo Volente!

May His Will, be done on Earth, as it tis in heaven. And, all His true and faithful Constitutional Patriots said, in one UNITED VOICE under one banner of FREEDOM; "AMEN!"

- Capt. Karl
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Hey Scir & all, got an hour for Karl? :lol:
I just need an hour to convey, at least a foundation and conduct a Q & A. The objective shall be to educate Utanians to the level that they are learned enough to take the action necessary to compel our State Legislators to sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, so that we, in Utah State are protected by our State Government from the collapse of the US Dollar, thus from the Global Reset, as well as from the vast number of Republican, Democrat, POTUS, SCOTUS and Deep State usurpation of Powers, SPENDING, Income Taxes and Employer Taxes in Capital Felony Insurrection and TREASON against Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

My mission is to impart only the information necessary to save my beloved fellow Countrymen from U.S. Government corruption, tyranny, despotism and oppression in violation of The supreme Law of the land. I need to be unencumbered to travel throughout Utah so as to assemble, if you will, an army of the Constitutionally knowledgeable armed with the ACTION stratagem furnished us by our Founding Fathers for these days of Republicans and Democrats, POTUSs and SCOTUS that tries the souls of men.

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution
Here is the K&V Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION that shall be sponsored and passed the the Utah State Legislature WELL BEFORE the collapse of the US Dollar, which is going to happen months before January when they reconvene.

Which we all well know will result in the Global Reset, the NWO/OWG and The Rise of The Gray State:

Here is the K&V Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION that shall be sponsored and passed the the Utah State Legislature WELL BEFORE the collapse of the US Dollar, which is going to happen months before January when they reconvene.

Which we all well know will result in the Global Reset, the NWO/OWG and The Rise of The Gray State:

Only the following facsimile of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, to make them BINDING, in order to commence with the incremental State Nullification of all Presidents, all Republican and Democrat, and Deep State usurpation of Powers and SPENDING not delegated to them, under ARTICLE I Section 8 of The Constitution, pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

This legislation, altered for Utah State, will bolster and protect the U.S. Dollar from utter Ultra Hyper Inflationary collapse via State Nullification of all Republican and Democrat usurpation of Powers and SPENDING, give the State and our people to restore only gold and silver COIN a tender in payment of debts, in pursuance of the money clause Laws of ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 5 and ARTICLE I Section 10 clause 1 of the supreme Law of the land. Thus saving the people of Utah State from the collapse of the Dollar, the resulting Global Reset, the rise of The Gray State, Serfdom and Vassalage under a green hybrid UN style combination Socialist/Communist/Fascist NWO/OWG with NO PLACE ON EARTH to run from IRS Agent Smith (of like the movie The Matrix).

As the perfect Metaphor of what is before us Utanians, if we do not compel our State Legislators to sponsor and pass the K&V augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, regarding the OWG IRS interrogation tyranny on our future and the future of our children and grandchildren see;

We must surround the State Capitol and camp there until hell freezes over, with a Constitutional Open Carry Rally, until the Legislature sponsors and passes THIS legislation WITHOUT any of the usual trickery of Republicans, Democrats and Attorneys...

Here is a Wisconsin version of the legislation, for your review:

See sample of legislation below:


Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Karl is getting boring. Always the same blah blah blah. Also this "Utanians" - is that a real thing?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

People who live in Utah are called Utahns and Utahans.

And yeah, it's especially boring since his drunken broken record idea has absolutely no chance at traction. Even at the time, the other states wouldn't accept it because of the Supremacy Clause. Like Karl, they were a total failure. It was a gambit at nullification, which Karl's pickled pea brain has latched onto. The Alien & Sedition Acts expired a few years later. Since we haven't really covered it:
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, initially drafted by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, respectively, were issued by the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures in response to the federal Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. The Resolutions declared that the several states are united by compact under the Constitution, that the Constitution limits federal authority to certain enumerated powers, that congressional acts exceeding those powers are infractions of the Constitution, and that each state has the right and duty to determine the constitutionality of federal laws and prevent application of unconstitutional federal laws in its own territory. The Kentucky Resolutions were introduced in the Kentucky House of Representatives by John Breckinridge and adopted in November of 1798. The Virginia Resolutions were sponsored in the Virginia House of Delegates by John Taylor and adopted in December 1798.

The Resolutions by Jefferson and Madison were provoked by the Alien and Sedition Acts adopted by a Federalist-dominated Congress during the Quasi-War with France; those Acts gave the president the authority to deport any alien whom he thought a threat and made it illegal to criticize the president or the Congress. Dozens of people were prosecuted under the Sedition Act, with prosecutions targeted at newspaper editors who favored the new Democratic-Republican party – Jefferson’s party. Seeing such political prosecutions of free speech as a fundamental threat to the republic, Jefferson referred to this period as a “reign of witches.”

The problem faced by Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans was how to respond to the Alien and Sedition Acts at a time when every federal judge was a Federalist and when the Federalists had a renewed nationalist popularity in light of the XYZ Affair (in which the French foreign minister demanded a bribe to even meet with U.S. envoys). The chosen response, the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, was especially controversial because of Jefferson’s claim that states could “nullify” federal action which they believed to be unconstitutional (although that term was deleted from the final version of the resolutions adopted in Kentucky) and Madison’s claim that states could “interpose” to block such federal action.

The Resolutions garnered support from none of the other fourteen states. Four states made no response to Kentucky and Virginia's request for support and ten states expressed outright disapproval. Most states insisted that under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution (Article VI), the states had no power to block enforcement of federal laws and that the courts should be relied upon to strike down unconstitutional laws (a position which both Jefferson and Madison had endorsed in the context of the Bill of Rights). In fact, the 1798 elections resulted in an increase in Federalist control of the Congress. Many years later, as states’ rights controversies threatened a sectional divide in the nation, Madison would claim, somewhat disingenuously, that the Resolutions were never intended actually to block application of a federal law but, rather, were intended to rally political opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts.
More: https://www.monticello.org/site/researc ... esolutions
Why did the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions fail?
Resolutions failed to influence other states to pass similar resolutions. The intent of the resolutions was to induce other state legislatures to pick up the critique and pass similar resolutions, thus acting as decentralized opposition to the Federalists. Judged by this standard, they were a failure.
How did the Alien and Sedition Acts end?
The acts were denounced by Democratic-Republicans and ultimately helped them to victory in the 1800 election, when Thomas Jefferson defeated the incumbent, President Adams. The Sedition Act and the Alien Friends Act were allowed to expire in 1800 and 1801, respectively.

Karl also insisted the dollar was collapsing in 2014, wonder if he remembers that. And other times. Poor JPC has had to PANIC so many times! :lol:
Broadcast in Politics Conservative Tue, Apr 8, 2014 07:00PM UTC

In 2009 The M&M SDOL joined the WI TEA Party coalition, which over they years grew to 125 organizations with about 250,000 signed up members. I discovered that due to the European contagion and more so ObamaCare the vast majority of these zeroes are not getting into "The Matrix"... When they do start to trickle and then douse "The Matrix" the purchasing power of the Dollar will collapse, and with it, following a sudden hyperinflationary 72 hour-ish event, the entire economy will collapse and all mechanical things will stop moving as fuel, parts, supplies, maintenance, electricity and all energy sources stop for reason of cost suddenly increasing at least Fifty times the current prices, when the National and International markets revalue the Dollar to parity with its tiny remnant in underlying value in hard assets, currently valued at less than 2 cents, relative on the Dollar.

In the process from 2004 to date I have joined numerous State and National Patriot, Freedom and TEA Party organizations. In 2010 the Wisconsin TEA Party coalition commissioned me and the M&M SaDOL as the Wisconsin TEA Party Committee on State Sovereignty and Nullification. We are working on several areas to restore the Rule of our Constitutional laws upon our usurping despotic public servants but the primary are State Sovereignty/Nullification and Common Law Grand Jury.

I am also a Trainer for Project Appleseed who trains Americans, over two day weekend courses, to be come expert marksmen at over 1/4 Mile distance and at the same time teach Americans about what it took for American to be Free when Marksmanship met History on April 19th, 1775. Because of my mannerisms, individual gestures, personality style, and "according to the book" Seamanship style, I have procured a blog and public personality name Capt. Karl.
BlogTalkRadio (didn't listen): https://www.blogtalkradio.com/sisterthu ... can-spring
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by fierceredpanda »

Off Topic
Oh god, OAS. Now I'm thinking of that one guy who performed those awful songs about it.

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Azastan »

"according to the book" Seamanship style
He's got the drunk sailor part down pat.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

Azastan wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 9:06 am
"according to the book" Seamanship style
He's got the drunk sailor part down pat.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

Here is how he sees himself.

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by noblepa »

I'm not a professional historian, or even an expert on the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, but it seems to me that part of the reason the resolutions never took hold was that they predated Marbury v Madison. The resolutions were written in 1789. Marbury was handed down in 1803.

One provision of the resolutions was that states could, if effect, overturn federal laws that the states considered unconstitutional. Prior to Marbury, no one probably thought that SCOTUS could declare a law to be unconstitutional. The ability of SCOTUS to do so does not specifically appear in the text of the Constitution, so there was probably a justifiable fear that the new Federal Congress would overstep their bounds.

Then Marbury happened. Suddenly, there was an avenue to contest Congress' overreach. The resolutions became less necessary.

In historical hindsight, SCOTUS having the power of Judicial Review is much better than the individual states. I can't imagine what a hodge-podge of laws we would have, if every state got to decide which Federal laws would be valid within their borders.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Dave from down under »


Not because he can lead or command.,

But because he drinks rum and then pukes all over the place..
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

The irony is that all of Karl's issues would not be affected by his 9th and 10th amendment blabber. His problems are with state courts. To add extra irony, he claims to have SCOTUS rulings that he does not need a license to travel operate a motor vehicle and because they are SCOTUS, they are the law of the land (no nullification then I suppose).

Yeah, they are not really SCOTUS rulings but he "thinks" they are so the point stands.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by johnpcapitalist »

orlylicious wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 2:09 am Karl also insisted the dollar was collapsing in 2014, wonder if he remembers that. And other times. Poor JPC has had to PANIC so many times! :lol:
Broadcast in Politics Conservative Tue, Apr 8, 2014 07:00PM UTC

In 2009 The M&M SDOL joined the WI TEA Party coalition, which over they years grew to 125 organizations with about 250,000 signed up members. I discovered that due to the European contagion and more so ObamaCare the vast majority of these zeroes are not getting into "The Matrix"... When they do start to trickle and then douse "The Matrix" the purchasing power of the Dollar will collapse, and with it, following a sudden hyperinflationary 72 hour-ish event, the entire economy will collapse and all mechanical things will stop moving as fuel, parts, supplies, maintenance, electricity and all energy sources stop for reason of cost suddenly increasing at least Fifty times the current prices, when the National and International markets revalue the Dollar to parity with its tiny remnant in underlying value in hard assets, currently valued at less than 2 cents, relative on the Dollar.
As the old joke goes, "Economists have successfully predicted 9 of the last 5 recessions." There's a lot more temptation, even for real economists, to try to call a market top than there is to call the bottom -- you get way more status by being the one guy who predicted the cataclysm than for predicting anything else. And amateurs, even smart ones, are more likely to try to call the cataclysm than the professionals.

Karl is betraying his own ignorance of so many things in this. All of it seems to be a fantasy that will ultimately show that rural know-nothings with lots of gunz, like him, are going to be in charge after the collapse. After all, accumulating gunz at great expense for decades hasn't really resulted in any increase in power over life's circumstances for those people, so it's easy to hope that a really big collapse of civilization will finally justify the money they've wasted -- a massive sunk cost fallacy. All those gunz haven't made people any safer or raised their standard of living. All they've done is sucked up disposable income that gun buyers already didn't have.

Every country in the world has a stake in the US economy, as the largest single economy in the world, and we are the largest single customer for most countries large and small. We buy more stuff from China than anyone else, and we send more tourists to tiny Caribbean nations than anyone else, as well. So the idea that the USD will drop by 98% in a brief period of time (or even in a 20-year time frame) is ludicrous. The rest of the world economy would drop in rough parallel along with it.

The key to Karl's rant is the "underlying value in hard assets" phrase. In other words, Karl is undoubtedly a gold bug, who like most poots, thinks that there is some medium of exchange that has "intrinsic" value unlike Federal Reserve Notes. Eventually, something is supposed to come along to make governments realize that fully fiat currency (almost 90 years strong in the US) was a bad idea and to revert to an even worse one: the gold standard with a fixed exchange rate.

Unfortunately, to whatever extent it was in the past, commercial uses for gold are probably diminishing. IBM mainframe computers used to contain many pounds of gold as coating for wires in the cabling between modules and as coatings for circuit board connectors and sockets. But more compact computers don't need that. Lower consumer disposable income and changes in customer tastes means less interest in purchasing of jewelry -- my kids would look at me like I'm speaking Martian if I were to ask how much money they planned to spend on jewelry for their significant others in the next 5 years. I don't have stats but I bet per capita purchases of pure gold in G-20 economies has been on a long-term downward trend (measured by weights of gold metal sold, not by dollar value of spend).

Poots can't fathom that gold has value only by broad agreement, just as Federal Reserve Notes do. People who actually understand economics understand that implicitly -- money is an abstraction whether it's bits recorded in a bank's computers or whether it's bars of gold buried in a back yard.

Karl's view of a 72-hour collapse in everything economic is ludicrous. It reads like some millenarian novel like the "Left Behind" series, or some 1950s dystopian sci-fi premise (many of which envisioned sudden collapse due to nuclear war). We had a laboratory to see whether the global economy would implode with a significant exogenous shock just last year, as Covid shut down huge sectors of the service and manufacturing economy. I was surprised to see the damage coming in less than I expected: fewer business collapses, fewer evictions, fewer personal bankruptcies, etc. Yeah, it was awful, but it was less awful than what seemed reasonably likely to happen a year ago. Clearly, I (and most others) underestimated human ingenuity and organizational resilience.

Finally, these days, the people seeming to egg on the collapse of civilization that Karl envisions seems to be those "accelerationist" white supremacists. Their fantasy is that if they burn the country to the ground, that they'll be the ones at the reins of the new white "paradise" that they dream will inevitably emerge. The prototype for that modus operandi is ISIS, who burned to the ground already ungovernable messes in rural Iraq and Syria, terrorized the population, then were pretty quickly crushed once the rest of the world figured out how to fight them. (I think that unlike ISIS, US "accelerationists" are destined to fail but we'll see a bunch of small scale terrorist attacks from them before they're crushed.)

Did I panic last year? No. I was worried, yes, but I didn't panic.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by noblepa »

johnpcapitalist wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 12:49 pm Poots can't fathom that gold has value only by broad agreement, just as Federal Reserve Notes do. People who actually understand economics understand that implicitly -- money is an abstraction whether it's bits recorded in a bank's computers or whether it's bars of gold buried in a back yard.

One of my first real jobs was as a programmer at a large national bank in Cleveland.

One morning, at about 3:00am, the DDA (checking account) posting program crashed and I was called in to debug it. Here I was, 22 years old, poring through a core dump (anyone remember those?), playing with $2B of someone else's money. I realized that the numbers I was looking at were not simply a record of the wealth that someone else had. Those numbers WERE the weath. It didn't exist in any other form. There was no stack of dollar bills somewhere. There were no gold bars.

That realization was kind of a rush.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by arayder »

northland10 wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 9:33 am The irony is that all of Karl's issues would not be affected by his 9th and 10th amendment blabber. His problems are with state courts. To add extra irony, he claims to have SCOTUS rulings that he does not need a license to travel operate a motor vehicle and because they are SCOTUS, they are the law of the land (no nullification then I suppose).

Yeah, they are not really SCOTUS rulings but he "thinks" they are so the point stands.
Karl really has no idea what he's talking about. He has a childish, incorrect often contradictory grasp of the law. What is truly amazing that after having had countless courtroom loses in several different states he doesn't seem at all interested in finding out where he is mistaken.

Karl is like so many phony poot legal scholars in that he believes being free is being able to do as you damn well please and hence the "law" serves only to provide arguments that support this selfish view of the world.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by noblepa »

arayder wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 1:10 pm Karl really has no idea what he's talking about. He has a childish, incorrect often contradictory grasp of the law. What is truly amazing that after having had countless courtroom loses in several different states he doesn't seem at all interested in finding out where he is mistaken.

HE isn't mistaken. The courts are.

He obviously know more about the law and the Constitution than some silly judge who spent years in law school, probably private practice and then years on the bench.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by arayder »

noblepa wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 1:25 pm
arayder wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 1:10 pm Karl really has no idea what he's talking about. He has a childish, incorrect often contradictory grasp of the law. What is truly amazing that after having had countless courtroom loses in several different states he doesn't seem at all interested in finding out where he is mistaken.

HE isn't mistaken. The courts are.

He obviously know more about the law and the Constitution than some silly judge who spent years in law school, probably private practice and then years on the bench.
Maybe it's just me but Joshua Martinez'z arrest and Eric Brandt's 12 year sentence have me thinking that the powers that be are losing their patience with the poot community.

Maybe's it's a thing in the wake of the January 6th Capitol riots?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by woodworker »

noblepa wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 1:25 pm
arayder wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 1:10 pm Karl really has no idea what he's talking about. He has a childish, incorrect often contradictory grasp of the law. What is truly amazing that after having had countless courtroom loses in several different states he doesn't seem at all interested in finding out where he is mistaken.

HE isn't mistaken. The courts are.

He obviously know more about the law and the Constitution than some silly judge who spent years in law school, probably private practice and then years on the bench.
Well, unless we are talking about Trump appointees. IMHO, many of them are just as dumb as Capt. Karl.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Great points all. And JPC, it's always awesome to hear your takes, thanks!

Loved the Pirates clip Northland, he's hilarious. Brought back memories and went back to watch George Rose, Kevin Kline (who is getting attention on Twitter today coincidentally), Rex Smith & Linda Rondstadt. George is at 2:20. Was backstage at that fun Broadway show many times when put client Kaye Ballard into the show at the (yuck) Minskoff. This has the lyric subtitles. You are right, it is sooooo Karl (though he'd never be able to patter as fast as George Rose)!

Karl says he has the OpVec back with a shiny new photo. Oh, and he has decreed that all politicians are to be arrested (except maybe Sheriff Nathan Curtis of Sevier County). He's blowing his "Showfar".

The AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment LAW, based upon THOUSANDS of WHISTLEBLOWER Doctors and Medical Professionals across the World, hereby declare that COVID19 nasal tests, swabbing all the way upto the blood-brain barrier, in which the bristles are loaded with little over atom sized nanite robots that can and do things and can create and build things inside of your head and body and, moreover THE COVID19 Vaccines which, according to the thousands of medical professional witnesses are causing mass deaths and massive bodily and mental harm is a FORMAL CAPITAL FELONY CRIME, against The Constitution, The Bill Of Rights, 4th Amendment LAW, all Americans and indeed all humanity.

Therefore and thereby we are calling for the IMMEDIATE ARREST of ALL Politicians, The Deep State of Executive branch alphabet soup Agencies and Bureaus who are EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED from even existing in the first place, pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, and their Mainstream Media propaganda arm who are responsible for this genocide and mass physical harm, not only in America, but indeed around the World. All of it for the wicked designs of megalomania and a One World Government of absolute Power.


But, WE THE PEOPLE, ordained by God as documented in The Preamble of The Constitution, pursuant to Romans 13:1-5 KJV as His ordained Rulers, Leaders and Higher Powers over all our Presidents, Republicans and Democrats, -->in a Republican form of Government<-- a Democracy of MOB VOTING RULE we OUTLAWED under ARTICLE IV Section 4 of The Constitution, thus a Republic of OUR LAWS upon all our Public SERVANTS, pursuant to the supreme land of the land that WE THE PEOPLE "ordained and established" UPON ALL of THEM to "secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES and our Posterity", WILL SEE TO IT, Deo Volente, that Justice is done, on Earth, as it tis in heaven.

We humbly submit ourselves to His Will to use us as His Warrior Servants to execute the Laws of The Union divinely inspired by our ONE and ONLY God and King, which are The Declaration Of Independence and its two dovetail documents; The whole Constitution and the entire Bill Of Rights, in pursuance and execution of ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 thereof.


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KK3_2021-05-03_18-31-38.jpg (189.51 KiB) Viewed 2686 times

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Ammon, I have to tell you what just happened. I am still in Salina. I took the Op-Vec and drove up some mountains. My strong desire by the Will of the Holy Ghost was to hike/climb the rest of the mountain and blow the Showfar to honor The Lord Our Heavenly Father and ask Him to help me and my beloved fellow Countrymen of Utah State to compel our Legislators and Governor to sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, so that Utah can incrementally State Nullify ALL Presidents, Republicans, Democrats, SCOTUS and Deep State usurpation of Powers, SPENDING and Income/Employer taxes not delegated to them under ARTICLE I Section 8 of the Constitution, in pursuance of Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

I am getting my phone and selfie stick, along with my Tallit prayer shawl ready to document the event at mountain top.

A black pickup truck pulls up, just to the side and alittle behind the Op-Vec. The guy therein smiles and says hi. I walk over to him and start talking with him. He cordially asked what I am doing and tells me he just got off the shooting range down below. Of course I start talking about current events and what I do. And, that I am working with and speaking to Utanians regarding the coming collapse of the Dollar, the Global Reset ushering in the One World UN style green hybrid Socialist/Communist/Fascist Government. He agrees and said he absolutely believes all of what I am conveying to him. We hit it off within the first minutes I started talking with him. Noticing the gear in the unassuming pickup I asked what he does, thinking he might be with volunteer fire dept or something. It turns out that he is Sheriff Nathan Curtis of Sevier County. And, he is a Constitutional Sheriff. We spoke for a long time. I told him our Utanian plans to surround the State Capitol and camp there until hell freezes over, Or until the Legislature sponsors and passes an exact facsimile of the K&V augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, whereby the Governor would call in all County Sheriffs for a briefing and disseminate a monthly list list of approximately say one hundred Republican, Democrat, POTUS and SCOTUS usurpation of Powers, SPENDING and percentage of Income/Employer Taxes incrementally State Nullifed for that month. At which time his LEO agency would enforce each and every properly and Constitutionally State Nullified usurpation by Washington DC.

He seemed to greatly appreciate and approve of such Constitutional measures. He informed me that the UT Legislators are conducting a Special Legislative Session on May 18th and 19th. I invited him to come and be with us when we surround the Capitol. He didn't say for sure that he was coming, but my soul feels that he will.

Just moments before he arrived I prayed so hard, here upon the base ridges of the mountain that my Shofar call out to His honor and glory, blessing the holy cause of Freedom and Liberty, and that some how He would make my day productive for my beloved fellow Countrymen. Just moments later, the honorable and noble Constitutional Sheriff Nathan Curtis pulls up.


I cannot make this stuff up anymore! God wants us free, to the point that We The People only bow and kneel before Him, for WTP are His Romans 13:1-5 KJV ordained Rulers and Leaders who "ordained and established" OUR God inspired supreme Laws of the land, most important amongst them 9th and 10th Amendment LAW and ORDER, upon all Presidents, SCOTUS, Republicans, Democrats, Judges, DAs and The Deep State, to secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES and our Posterity." - Preamble of The Constitution

Our wonderful conversation took so long, I have decided to climb the mountain and blow the Showfar tomorrow morning, at sun rise, instead. I remain

Very truly yours,

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Supreme Law of the Land
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Dave from down under »

"I cannot make this stuff up anymore! "


I'm sure Karl will continue to make this stuff up until he drinks himself into an early grave..
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

So the Sheriff sees some weird vehicle parked on the side of the road with some weirdo nearby blowing into an animal horn. Sheriff stops to check it out. Listens to the weirdo rant for a few minutes. Determines he isn't doing anything illegal, hands him his business card and then drives away. Big news Karl.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by poplove »

The Utah impound website still shows the opvec as impounded, but maybe it hasn't been updated.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Suranis »

The Pratmobile is looking a little disheviled these days.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Uninformed »

Where’s the pratbike?
If you can't lie to yourself, who can you lie to?
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