The dregs of birther remainders.

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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

I was a little surprised the article received only two comments so far.

But it was a poor choice of titles (no "Obama" or "birth certificate," to clue the faithful in). And the P&E's landing page doesn't list authors; until the reader clicks on the article, there's no indication it was written by the Birther Princess herself.

If some jerk wasn't banned, a few conversations could have started up, which would have run the comment counter up.

More generally, Rondeau's regulars, like Laity and Kerchner, haven't commented in awhile. Maybe even they have finally moved on.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

P&E comment:
Miki Booth wrote:I had a good cry [...] because I do believe if we are not at the point of no return we certainly cannot undo the damage that has been done to our country, to our Constitution. Fred and I agree that the illegitimate government will come after our guns because if we don’t have a civil war if Trump gets arrested they will certainly start one by coming for our guns. We are so fragmented, cut off from communications and beaten down they will win again and it’s over. They have proven they can do anything they want and get away with it and more republicans than not are spineless cowards that go whatever direction the political winds blow. I still help where I can but every once in a while I read something like the mick mulvaney piece on Gateway Pundit that so sticks in my craw I have to do something to get it off my chest. Writing is a coping mechanism to fight back and a record of sorts, thanks to Sharon Rondeau and the P&E. When I wrote my book in 2011 I really believed I was targeted by the FBI and obama’s goons that something could happen to me and I wanted a record of what they were doing to destroy the Constitution and our American way of life. It was a record and no irony that their crimes go on today. On a happy note I’m still alive and kicking their commie a**** at every opportunity on social media.
I wouldn't know; Booth has baned me. Guess that showed my a** who's boss.

But good to know Booth dreams she'll one day be enshrined on Mt. Rushmore because she called 8DeezNutz a "turd" on Facebook.

And I find it hilarious Booth said she believed she would become a target for writing a vanity press. That she wasn't should be her clue that her beliefs are unreliable.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

TFB bait!: P&E: Another Instance of False Claims Goes Unchallenged:

In an interview Wednesday with WVW host Brannon Howse, The American Report’s Mary Fanning again attempted to make the case that former government subcontractor Dennis Montgomery possessed, or currently possesses, incontrovertible evidence of the U.S. government’s warrantless surveillance of its citizens (see video/audio on right).

The interview occurred three days after the conclusion of “The Moment of Truth Summit” hosted August 20 and 21 by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, with whom Fanning was affiliated last year in the production of a video series, “Absolute Proof.”

* * *

For the close of the conference on Sunday, Lindell launched a lengthy and perhaps unexpected soliloquy in which he defended Dennis Montgomery, describing him as “one of the smartest men who ever walked the earth.” Lindell indicated he had spurned numerous attempts from various individuals cautioning him about Montgomery’s unsubstantiated claims and remained steadfast in his belief that Montgomery’s claims and data were valid.

After approximately 20 minutes, Lindell’s attorney, Kurt Olsen, read from a typographical-riddled “Declaration” he claimed Montgomery swore to under oath as to his computer expertise, contractual experience with the U.S. Department of Defense, and data he claimed to have acquired from government servers demonstrating the government’s illegal activity against U.S. citizens.

Breathtakingly, neither Lindell nor Olsen revealed the other side of Montgomery’s history, with Lindell instead decrying that Fanning had “been attacked,” apparently for her reporting about Montgomery.
It is mostly just a re-airing of Montgomery-related grievances. :yawn: But some highlights:
Fanning has not appeared on Howse’s show for many months and is no longer working with Howse or Lindell. However, of Montgomery’s longstanding claim to have amassed proof of government surveillance, she told Howse on Wednesday, “The evidence…” “is so bombshell they put it under the care of Charles McCullough, the IG of the intelligence community, for security purposes. So anyone who says the evidence does not exist – it’s in court documents from Judge Richard Leon.”
As Rondeau explains, this is a reference to Montgomery's long-since-dead attempt to sue Comey. And Rondeau helpfully(!) explains this was the same tactic Montgomery used to hide evidence in his long-since-dead defamation case.

On to Rondeau's squeeze:
After almost a year, former detective Mike Zullo, who Arpaio asked to supervise Montgomery’s efforts, wanted to have Montgomery’s work product validated by an outside party with applicable experience. With Arpaio’s permission, he and Det. Brian Mackiewicz took 47 hard drives Montgomery produced to three former NSA officials for data analysis. In the presence of Zullo and Mackiewicz, the three derided the data as worthless, Zullo said, with two declaring it in a formal report to be nothing more than “evidence of an outright and fraudulent con on the government for personal gain and cover.”

* * *

In her interview with Howse, Fanning repeatedly named “Mike Zullo” as the alleged force behind what Howse described as a “smear tactic” against Montgomery but provided no background as to Zullo’s intimate knowledge of Montgomery, including Montgomery’s denial to the MCSO of having “built” “The Hammer” while he was engaged in government work.

“It was already there,” Montgomery said in a declaration prepared for the MCSO.

Howse did not ask Fanning to elaborate as to who “Mike Zullo” is or explain any of the history for his listeners/viewers.

In the past, despite requests, Howse has declined to interview Zullo or anyone with contrary information to Fanning’s claims.

From the beginning, Fanning did not divulge that the source of “The Whistleblower Tapes” about which she and Jones have written extensively are recordings Zullo made of Montgomery and an associate, Tim Blixseth, in an official capacity for Arpaio which were leaked to a media outlet as part of a civil-rights case against Arpaio.

* * *

As to Fanning’s repeated claims that Montgomery was recorded “illegally,” Zullo, a former detective himself, responded that Montgomery was fully aware he was being recorded, demonstrating that awareness in a video in which Montgomery assented to being video-recorded in his Seattle home as long as his “grandkids” were not captured in the footage.

* * *

The claims Fanning made in the book she co-authored with Jones titled, “THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup: The Political Crime of the Century: How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn … and everyone else” against him are defamatory, Zullo has told The Post & Email, and legally actionable.
Then less whining, and more action, Zullo! :waiting:

Some ACTUAL REPORTING from Rondeau:
The case arising from Montgomery’s gambling debts remained open for more than a decade, with the judge dismissing it on June 6, 2022, according to the Clark County district attorney’s office on Thursday.
For Orlylicious:
Howse, Fanning and Jones, are currently defendants in a case alleging defamation brought by The Gateway Pundit, Joseph Hoft and XRVision founder Yaacov Apelbaum, with oral arguments scheduled next month.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Phoenix520 »

OrlyL posted this weird addendum to everything else that’s been filed regarding Mar-a-Lego, by Patrick Bergey. In it, in para 11, he mentions that
“An attorney, Stephen Pigeon…” was present at one meeting. He was investigating voter fraud. ... .102.1.pdf
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

Phoenix520 wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:05 pm OrlyL posted this weird addendum to everything else that’s been filed regarding Mar-a-Lego, by Patrick Bergey. In it, in para 11, he mentions that
“An attorney, Stephen Pigeon…” was present at one meeting. He was investigating voter fraud.
I would not be surprised if Pigeon tried to somehow shoehorn himself into some iteration of the 2020 presidential election fraud investigation grift-a-palooza.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Phoenix520 »

Sounds true, bob. ;)
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

The embedded message suggests that, after Montgomery fleeced Lindell into buying him a home, he fleeced Lindell into buying his worthless company.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

P&E: How Come You Haven’t Put Me in Jail Yet?:
Tom Arnold wrote:RELEVANT FACTS: I visited my local district FBI office on December 10, 2014. I had a “Sheriff’s Kit” which contained a DVD and a booklet prepared by the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff’s Office “Cold Case Posse” describing alleged criminal activity (including a forged Hawaiian birth certificate released for public viewing by the White House in April 2011) committed by then-President Barack HUSSEIN Obama (elected president in November 2008 and then re-elected in November 2012). I was allowed entry into the district office, where I sat in the waiting area with an unnamed male counter-terrorism agent (why “counter-terrorism?”) and spoke to him for about one-half hour. I told him I was convinced that Obama had committed or conspired to commit criminal acts, some of them to fabricate an identity as an American citizen qualified to run for and become elected president. I told him about the contents of the Sheriff’s Kit, which was an accumulation of facts and evidence compiled by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Posse, and Commander Mike Zullo, which had been investigated and cataloged in response to request(s) from a local Tea Party group and other constituents. The FBI agent listened to what I had to say but did not comment and did not take the Sheriff’s Kit I offered to him.

Roughly one week later on December 16, 2014, I returned to the district office. I was told that the agent to whom I had spoken a week earlier was not in the public corruption unit and therefore no one had any answers for me. However, one of the security officers at the gate informed me that according to the FBI, my complaint (accusations of possible crimes committed by the sitting president) was of NO INTEREST to them and that, in fact, I would have “A BETTER CHANCE OF TALKING TO THE POPE” (than to FBI Director James Comey in Washington, DC)!

After another week passed, I mailed a Sheriff’s Kit and some writings of my own to the Special Agent in Charge of the district office. No response has ever been received from her or anyone else there.

It also is a fact, and a very frustrating one indeed, that I have been sending emails for years, likely since 2007, concerning my belief that our presidency for all intents and purposes was STOLEN by Barack Obama and other conspirators, not the least of whom, I learned later, was our own Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Among the attempted contacts I was making to report this information were Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Inspector General’s DOJ Hotline. It is advertised on the DOJ (and FBI?) website that citizens are encouraged to report suspected federal crimes to the hotline.

Finally, after an increasing number of emails from me and one or two phone calls, I received a typewritten letter by postal mail (unsigned!). It should be noted that around this time, I also sent identical materials to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee (ATTN: Chairperson U.S. Rep. Bob Goodlatte). The unsigned letter from the DOJ was dated March 23, 2015. There never has been an on-topic response from any committee or any one individual in Congress. The DOJ’s letter, however, did contain a response. It read, “The Investigations Division of the Office of the Inspector General has thoroughly reviewed the materials and concluded that the issues raised do not warrant an investigation by this office.” They said they considered the matter closed and did not wish to hear anything further from me. They requested I sign their anonymous (unsigned) letter and return it to them (which I did, fully aware that they likely wanted a handwriting exemplar of mine and/or to put me “on notice”).

Now, and for the last seven years, every time I send the USDOJ OIG Hotline emails over the internet, their Microsoft postmaster responds, “Your message couldn’t be delivered to the recipient because you DON’T HAVE PERMISSION (my emphasis) to send it.”

* * *

Before I go on to other matters, I want the reader to know that I also have had personal contact with the Secret Service (and one of their bomb-sniffing dogs!). In that incident (at a barricade on the street outside where President Obama was staying), all was well that ended well. I also have been to the offices of one of my former U.S. Senators and former U.S. Representatives.
Being shrouded wasn't enough?
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Luke »

:lol: WTG Bob, was going to post that BREAKING NEWS from Tom too also!

Genius comments:
Roving Reporter says:
Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 11:16 AM
Bring down Obama and the house of cards topples, just like the statues did.
There are two political factions in the US today: the Democratic Socialists vs MAGA (sorry, the Republican Party went to the Dark Side).
The Republican Party is now officially dead. The Republicans and the Democrats are now officially the ‘Deep State.’
Or…to put it another way, it’s the Fascists vs the Constitutionalists.
Either honor those who are in the Arlington National Cemetery or turn your back on them.
Roving Reporter

Charles D Kowalski says:
Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 10:35 AM
Thank you for having the courage to voice this. It has been my belief for a long time that Obama was “created” by the CIA. What a shame that our own government is complicit in this.
In case any birthers read this topic but not others like Trump's mishandling and theft of classified documents, Foggy wrote a really sweet note to y'all.
Foggy wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:04 am Yeah, y'know, back in the day, following the birther movement was fun - you didn't have to worry that any of it was real, even after the birthers filed more than 230 lawsuits against the President of the United States of America.

Then Donald Trump was elected president, and then a million Americans died in the pandemic (and they're still dying), and following the right-wing whacko birds was no fun for the past 6 years, because they came to power.

But now I think this thing is fun again, and it's so much fun! I can't wait to see the 40 page brief. :daydreaming:
Sadly, I've gotta say it again: Ultimately, the FAILURE OF THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT was MIKE VOLIN'S fault. There were clearly not enough SHERIFF'S KITS, that's the whole reason this failed.

For example, Tom says: "I mailed a Sheriff’s Kit and some writings of my own to the Special Agent in Charge of the district office. No response has ever been received from her or anyone else there." What the hell, Tom? Why just ONE? You sent ONE Kit and didn't get a reply and gave up? You should have sent HUNDREDS of SHERIFF'S KITS so they could share and know this was serious and important.

In another example, Tom says when he "visited my local district FBI office on December 10, 2014. I had a “Sheriff’s Kit” which contained a DVD and a booklet", "The FBI agent listened to what I had to say but did not comment and did not take the Sheriff’s Kit I offered to him." C'mon Tom, how feeble is that? Why didn't you MAKE HIM TAKE THAT SHERIFF'S KIT? Why didn't you leave the FBI office dropping a Sheriff's Kit every few feet like breadcrumbs in Hansel and Gretel? Pathetic. Yet you want P&E readers to have sympathy for you.

The reason you aren't in jail, Tom, is that you FAILED. Didn't make a dent. Because you got cheap and didn't get enough Sheriff's Kits out. Folks are always going to remember this was all Mike Volin's fault, but Tom, you share the blame.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Foggy »

Oh, I thought they didn't put him in jail because he has potty issues. :batting:
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by jemcanada2 »

I thought it was all Mike Voilin’s fault because he didn’t arrest us all like he threatened. :batting: :batting:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

Foggy wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:43 pm Oh, I thought they didn't put him in jail because he has potty issues. :batting:
Different crank. OR IS IT??!? :eek:

Some jerk* tried to comment on the feeb's shrouding of Arnold, but some jerk ironically continues to be baned. :crying:

* :whistle:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by jemcanada2 »

bob wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:15 pm
Foggy wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:43 pm Oh, I thought they didn't put him in jail because he has potty issues. :batting:
Different crank. OR IS IT??!? :eek:

Some jerk* tried to comment on the feeb's shrouding of Arnold, but some jerk ironically continues to be baned. :crying:

* :whistle:
Never mind :oopsy: :oopsy:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

jemcanada2 wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:13 pm I thought it was all Mike Voilin’s fault because he didn’t arrest us all like he threatened.

P&E comment:
Mike Volin wrote:Sharon, thank you for diligence in reporting and updating us. I have spoken of the [Tom Arnold] several times and came to the conclusion he is a patriot. It seems that the patriots are the only ones who are interested in this crime. This ongoing saga continues today mainly because what I call the opposition (media, corrupt government, our so called police agencies etc…) who are probably ordered to trash it. Let’s not forget this whole identity scandal is riddled with so many other things that would land anyone in jail for forgery examples are Obama having a Connecticut social security number although he never resided there, a proven forged draft registration card and many other circumstantial evidence that would convince a Court of a crime. The Sheriff’s kits are still available on my site. Thank you all.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Foggy »

Oh, hay, Sheriff's Kits are on his site!

Now the birthers can download and send billions of them!


Oh, wait ... is this the crime of the century? Because Trump says the 2020 election is the crime of the century! Which one is the REAL crime of the century? :think: :confuzzled:
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Mr brolin »

Foggy wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:43 pm Oh, I thought they didn't put him in jail because he has potty issues. :batting:
Wasn't that one OPOVV (McClellan..?) ..... After a while the incompetent, incontinent and incoherent tend to flow into one..... :eek:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Luke »

Nice try, Mike, but you're BUSTED. Clearly, Mike Volin is reading here and trying to cover his ass because he knows that we know he was responsible for the Birther failure. Yeah sure he can say his Sheriff's Kits are on his website now, but where were the hard copies desperately needed when the fire was raging? He betrayed the Birthers. Mike follows me on Twitter but rarely look at his feed.

Had to call him out in February, he knows he's responsible. If Tom Arnold just had enough Sheriff's Kits, it could have changed American History.
Mike Volin @michaelvolin
Someone is still interested in Obama
1:42 PM · Feb 10, 2022·Twitter for Android

Flitcraft Parable @TomPolhaus Feb 11
Replying to @michaelvolin
Have you sent the National Archives a Sheriff's Kit?
And what's the deal with Sheriff's Kit 2.0 weren't you going to but that out as soon as Zullo released his evidence?

OrlyLicious 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious Feb 21
Sadly it's clear @realJoeArpaio & Mike Zullo's slam-dunk #Birther case failed because there weren't enough Sheriff's Kits sent. Dennis Mongomery's info was solid. It was a Sheriff's Kit failure. @estiveo @t_f_bow @PogueMoran @jkryn @wlbryan @questauthority

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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Ben-Prime »

Foggy wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:30 pm Oh, hay, Sheriff's Kits are on his site!

Now the birthers can download and send billions of them!


Oh, wait ... is this the crime of the century? Because Trump says the 2020 election is the crime of the century! Which one is the REAL crime of the century? :think: :confuzzled:
Nice try, Foggy, but we all know that it's all one crime.

But the sunshine aye shall light the sky,
As round and round we run;
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Luke »

Talk about "remainders". You'll want to have tissues handy for this sad, sad, story from Pornstache. 😿 😿 😿 "We were bringing in more than $15 million dollars a year until 2016..."
11 DAYS: Google is strangling us!
Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains search-engine giant's latest attack on WND
By Joseph Farah Published August 31, 2022 at 7:33pm

They've thrown everything at us.

For years, Google has made it clear what its intentions are.

They've blackballed us. They've insulted us. They've demonetized us. And now the biggest search engine in the world has tried to completely destroy us by overtly lying about us – and scaring away our readers.

They've done it for the last 11 days.

During the past two weeks, Google has blatantly lied to the world about WND – insisting the storied 25-year-old Christian news site will "damage" their computers.
► Show Spoiler ... ngling-us/

The Gateway House of Boys is ANGRY about it. ... ogles-sea/

Let's all have a moment of reflection for Pornstache, Jerome Corsi, and the possible end of another Birther stalwart. As Bob points out, "I'm not saying it was The Fogbow, but it definitely was The Fogbow."
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by RTH10260 »

Can confirm above. I think WND did not follow correct procedures to get this removed.

PS. their Wikipedia page describes them as provider of --- fake news ---
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by keith »

I get that unsafe message when I go to a page that does not support https. I think i have a browser setting that says to and warn me when i try to go to an http only page.

It aint google its the browser. Of course if they are using a Google browser (chrome), then yeah.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by Danraft »

I thought the same thing, but, from the screenshot, it is https?
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

P&E: Why are Lindell and Associates Whitewashing History?:

[Author’s Note: The following began as a news article but soon took the shape and scope of a research project, hence its length and breadth. The catalysts were the recent “Moment of Truth Summit” hosted by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell as well as our knowledge of a number of parties’ attempts to caution Lindell against his apparent blind trust in a single source with a long history of unproven claims. However, we have been amassing documents, interviews and other relevant materials since 2015, when our source of firsthand information, Mike Zullo, began to speak publicly about his role in this ever-evolving narrative.]

* * *

Twenty months after Fanning first published [Dennis] Montgomery’s claim to have captured the “PCAPS” from the election, there remains no independent corroboration of it other than Fanning’s allegation that a number of unnamed “cybersecurity experts verified that a Chinese-led foreign cyberwarfare attack targeted the 2020 U.S. election.”

* * *

On the evening of August 21 with only a short time remaining, Lindell abruptly changed course by launching into a soliloquy about his introduction to Montgomery early last year by Fanning. Decrying that Fanning had been “attacked” for her work, Lindell said he found both Fanning and Montgomery highly credible and offered a new explanation as to why he did not release the PCAPS at his Cyber Symposium in August 2021 as originally promised.

Hearkening back to that event and before, Lindell recounted that friends and acquaintances approached him cautioning about any information Montgomery might proffer because of Montgomery’s history of making claims he failed to support with evidence.

* * *

On January 9, 2021, Lindell related, in a phone call Howse introduced Fanning, who told him, in Lindell’s words, that Montgomery “had worked for the government, that was one of the smartest men that ever walked this planet that has developed stuff for the government, and he was able to see — to collect the whole 2020 election, and it was all done with machines.”

* * *

Lindell subsequently brought “four pieces of paper” to the White House, he said, referring to his much-publicized attempt in the final days of the Trump presidency to gain an audience with the president to share Fanning and Montgomery’s “evidence.” Some of the documents, including one allegedly referring to “martial law,” Lindell said he “never read” but was asked by outside attorneys to present to the president or his close advisers.

* * * *

Please watch for Part 2 of this series later this week.
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by bob »

"For completeness" (read: I don't have time to read): P&E: Why are Lindell and Associates Whitewashing History? Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Bonus: P&E: Kamala Harris Owes Homage and Allegiance to the King of Jamaica – King Charles III:
Kerchner wrote:King Charles III — King of England and Jamaica – Under the Jamaican Constitution King Charles III is the King of Jamaica and is Kamala Harris’ Sovereign.

As a Citizen of Jamaica at Birth via Her Jamaican Citizen Foreign National Father, Kamala Harris Owes Homage and Allegiance to the King of Jamaica and England

As a person born with dual allegiance, foreign influence, and dual-citizenship – Kamala Harris is thus NOT a “natural born Citizen” of the United States. A “natural born Citizen” of the United States is a person born with sole allegiance and unity of citizenship at birth to the USA and only the USA, i.e., a person born in the USA to parents who were both Citizens (born or naturalized) at the time of their child’s birth in the USA. A person born with no foreign citizenship and attendant foreign influence and allegiance claims on them, as per the Principles of Natural Law.
The same nothing, like you've seen before. :yawn:
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Re: The dregs of birther remainders.


Post by noblepa »

bob wrote: Tue Sep 13, 2022 4:56 am "For completeness" (read: I don't have time to read): P&E: Why are Lindell and Associates Whitewashing History? Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Bonus: P&E: Kamala Harris Owes Homage and Allegiance to the King of Jamaica – King Charles III:
Kerchner wrote:King Charles III — King of England and Jamaica – Under the Jamaican Constitution King Charles III is the King of Jamaica and is Kamala Harris’ Sovereign.

As a Citizen of Jamaica at Birth via Her Jamaican Citizen Foreign National Father, Kamala Harris Owes Homage and Allegiance to the King of Jamaica and England

As a person born with dual allegiance, foreign influence, and dual-citizenship – Kamala Harris is thus NOT a “natural born Citizen” of the United States. A “natural born Citizen” of the United States is a person born with sole allegiance and unity of citizenship at birth to the USA and only the USA, i.e., a person born in the USA to parents who were both Citizens (born or naturalized) at the time of their child’s birth in the USA. A person born with no foreign citizenship and attendant foreign influence and allegiance claims on them, as per the Principles of Natural Law.
The same nothing, like you've seen before. :yawn:
I know that there are several SCOTUS decisions that have been misread to supposedly support the birthers' contention that NBC requires that one be born on US soil and have two parents who were US citizens at the time of birth. Notably Wong Kim Ark and Minor v. Happerset. I have read both and neither one ever even mentions dual citizenship.

Has there ever been a SCOTUS (or even a Federal District or Appeals) decision that can be similarly misinterpreted by those who want to believe dual-citizenship disqualifies one as a NBC?
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