Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?

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If He Runs, Should The Dotard Announce Before or After the Midterms?

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Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Luke »

Thank you all so much for the love and kindness about welcoming me back to post, you all are wonderful. It's been very tough but taking it a day at a time. I really, really appreciate the support.

Meanwhile, unfortunately it seems likely we're going to be put through the Dotard trying to run for office again. It's just a matter of whether he announces before or after the Midterms. It's horrible and scary and nauseating to us. After all the proof being shown that this criminal planned a coup, how some of our fellow Americans think having him back is a good idea is insane and depressing.

Thankfully, there are 843 days until the 2024 election (and 115 days until the Midterms).

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The reason for this poll is a recent POLITICO article talking about how Democrats want him to announce right away to use it for the Midterms. We strongly lean toward disagreeing with that. Democrats are already raising tons of money. Virginia and other races have shown that running against him when he's not in office doesn't work. And even though it's almost two years, we still have a visceral stomach-churning reaction to him, and the less we hear about him the better. Yet here's what some are saying:
Why Democrats are begging Trump to start 2024 right now
Democrats are already plotting how to take advantage of another White House run from the 45th president.

Democrats aren’t just eager for Donald Trump to cannonball into the 2024 presidential race before the fall midterms. Across the country, they are actively plotting ways to immediately capitalize on a pre-November announcement. Campaigns and officials at major Democratic outfits are planning to capture the anticipated cash windfall that would come their way should Trump announce he’s making another run at the White House. Candidates also are exploring ways to exploit Trump’s premature entry to energize despondent base voters and coalesce independents and suburb-dwellers who have soured on the party over stubbornly high inflation.

Since leaving office, Trump’s lies about a stolen election and grievance-filled tirades against disloyal “RINOS” have continued unabated. While he’s never fully receded from the national stage, a formal declaration that he’s running would dominate the media landscape and — many Democrats expect — serve as a major distraction for down-ballot Republicans. “It puts in perspective what’s at stake, shows that the Republican Party is still extreme and helps set up the contrast,” said Cedric Richmond, a former White House senior adviser now at the Democratic National Committee. “Democrats need to home in on what they stand for — from their agenda to their values and contrast it with how extreme the other side is and what they want to do.”

Having Trump out of the wings as the GOP’s frontrunner and formal standard-bearer will sharpen the stakes “and it will help Democrats,” Richmond added.Few singular political factors could still upend the midterm landscape like Trump. Inside the White House and among close allies, there’s a sense that the former president would alter voters’ views of Biden and Democrats and help calm intraparty disappointment and turmoil they view as misplaced and unproductive.
Lots more at: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/1 ... t-00045969

Here's the background on his planning.
Donald Trump on 2024: ‘I’ve Already Made That Decision’ The only question left in the former president’s mind is when he’ll announce.
By Olivia Nuzzi

Donald Trump was impeached twice, lost the 2020 election by 7,052,770 votes, is entangled in investigations by federal prosecutors (over the Capitol insurrection and over the mishandling of classified White House documents and over election interference) and the District of Columbia attorney general (over financial fraud at the Presidential Inaugural Committee) and the Manhattan district attorney (over financial fraud at the Trump Organization) and the New York State attorney general (over financial fraud at the Trump Organization) and the Westchester County district attorney (over financial fraud at the Trump Organization) and the Fulton County, Georgia, district attorney (over criminal election interference in Georgia) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (over rules violations in plans to take his social-media company public through a SPAC) and the House Select Committee on January 6 (whose hearings are the runaway TV-ratings hit of the summer), yet on Monday, July 11, he was in a fantastic mood.
At a rally in Alaska on Saturday, he told me by phone, his fans were adoring. “More love,” in his words, “than I’ve ever had before.” His voice was humming with excitement. He was still in awe. After all of this time, after so many rallies, so many crowds, so many winding speeches and chants of “Lock her up” and “USA” and “Build the wall” and the familiar sounds of “Tiny Dancer” and “Memory” (from Cats) and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” and “YMCA” and that goofy little dance and the delusion and the fervor so great that it built up to an attack on the Capitol and the democratic process at the center of the Republic itself, the novelty of this had not faded.

As a technical matter, the Anchorage event was on behalf of Sarah Palin and Kelly Tshibaka, Trump-endorsed candidates for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, respectively, but like all such endeavors, it was for its star a means of discerning through a vibe check what traditional polls could not so reliably or completely tell him. And what it told him this time, he said, is that his voters — a portion of the electorate that he insists amounts to a majority of the country, though it does not — want to, and will, bring him back to power.

“Look,” Trump said, “I feel very confident that, if I decide to run, I’ll win.”

I fixated on If I decide. Trump is less a politician than a live-action mythological creature, and so punditry and all of the standard forms of analyses tend to fail. What would factor into such a decision for such an unusual person? “Well, in my own mind, I’ve already made that decision, so nothing factors in anymore. In my own mind, I’ve already made that decision,” he said.

He wouldn’t disclose what he’d decided. Not at first. But then he couldn’t help himself. “I would say my big decision will be whether I go before or after,” he said. “You understand what that means?” His tone was conspiratorial. Was he referring to the midterm elections? He repeated after me: “Midterms.” Suddenly, he relaxed, as though my speaking the word had somehow set it free for discussion. “Do I go before or after? That will be my big decision,” he said.

He was thinking aloud now. “I just think that there are certain assets to before,” he said. “Let people know. I think a lot of people would not even run if I did that because, if you look at the polls, they don’t even register. Most of these people. And I think that you would actually have a backlash against them if they ran. People want me to run.”
Lots more (Olivia gets great juice): https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article ... ision.html
Trump discussing 2024 plans at secret donor dinners
The former president recently gathered big donors for small off-the-record discussions in three cities in recent weeks.
During the gatherings, which typically go on for several hours, Former President Donald Trump has refrained from tipping his hand about his plans. |
By ALEX ISENSTADT 07/13/2022 04:52 PM EDT

Donald Trump has quietly convened some of his wealthiest and highest-profile supporters for intimate dinners in recent weeks, where the groups have talked about the former president’s 2024 election plans — and debated when he should make his expected comeback bid official. The gatherings have taken place in Houston, Nashville and, last Friday evening, in Las Vegas, where billionaire casino mogul and longtime Trump friend Phil Ruffin implored the ex-president to launch another run for the White House soon. The consensus has been that Trump should run again — the only question being when he should announce, with most echoing Ruffin’s view but others saying Trump would be better served by waiting until after the midterm elections. The previously unreported dinners, which were described by four attendees, provide a window into Trump’s deliberations and show how he has quietly begun to reassemble the political network that he cultivated in the White House. With other potential Republican candidates circling, holding their own donor meetings and making plans for 2024 runs, the former president is taking subtle but concrete steps to prepare for his next campaign.
But the conversation inevitably gravitates toward the next presidential race. During a June dinner at the JW Marriott in Nashville, Graham told Trump that he’d have his wholehearted support for another campaign — but that if he wanted to run again, he should make his intentions clear soon. Trump aides have crafted guest lists of around 12 to 16 people per dinner, which have included Republican candidates, elected officials, and major contributors. Friday’s event at the Trump International Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip included Nevada gubernatorial hopeful Joe Lombardo and real estate investors Robert Zarnegin and Roger Norman. Many of the attendees have a long history of cutting big checks to Trump — Ruffin, Zarnegin and Norman each gave in the six-or-seven figure range in 2020 — but organizers have made the decision not to ask them for money right now. Trump advisers say the purpose has been to get Trump in front of a kitchen cabinet of supporters who, in an easy-going environment, will feel comfortable giving the ex-president their unvarnished opinions.

The dinners are not designed to convince Trump of whether to run, the advisers say, but rather to provide him with feedback. That feedback has not always been entirely positive. With Trump continuing to push his unfounded claim that the 2020 election was stolen, attendees have gently encouraged him to focus more on policy or what he would do if elected again. The deliberations come as some in the GOP have begun to question Trump’s political strength, wondering whether or how much the House investigation into his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot will damage him. On Tuesday, the New York Times published a survey showing more than half of Republican voters expressing a desire for someone else to lead the party’s ticket in 2024. (Trump responded by lashing out, saying the paper conducts “fake polls.”)
https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/1 ... s-00045665

By the way, Democrats are swinging back in polling, the Senate is looking better and better because of the horrible candidates the GOP nominated and the generic ballot is moving back. Recently, idiot troll Kurt Schlichter warned the GOP if gun control passed, they'd lose the Midterms. Not letting Kurt forget that. :P

OrlyLicious 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious
@KurtSchlichter called it 5/26 with his @townhallcom column: "Warning to the GOP that if they betray us on guns they lose the midterms." #GunControl passed & with #DrOz #HerschelWalker #BlakeMasters & #EricGreitens, GOP's #Midterms2022 are collapsing.

Anyway, the question is, if he's going to do it, is it better for Democrats if he announces before or after the Midterms? No and Never aren't included because while that's what most of us want, doesn't look like that's an option. Curious about what everybody thinks about the timing issue.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by keith »

As soon as he announces, his grift is constrained by Election Finance reporting requirements.

The grift is his life. He is only doing this politicking stuff because of the grift.

He will leave the any announcement, in or out, till the last possible moment. He might wait, ignore the primaries and try and take over the Convention from outside. Or even run as an independent so he doesn't have to share the grift with other unworthy down ticket hangers-on and to insure that he doesn't accidentally win this time.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Luke »

Great point and true, Keith. Interestingly, the Dotard had his lowest 6-month fundraising total since being ejected.
Trump’s fundraising dips, trailing DeSantis
The former president’s PAC raised about $36 million in the first half of the year, down 29% from the prior six months
By Isaac Stanley-Becker and Isaac Arnsdorf
July 15, 2022 at 8:51 p.m. EDT

Former president Donald Trump’s fundraising slowed in the first half of 2022, falling below $50 million in a six-month period for the first time since he left the White House 18 months ago. A fundraising committee that directs money to his various political groups raised $17 million in the second quarter of this year, according to a new federal filing. That brings the committee’s haul to at least $36 million so far this year. The tally does not include new direct contributions to Trump’s Save America PAC, which won’t be disclosed until late this month and have in recent months totaled up to $20,000. The PAC received $23,409 this quarter through WinRed, which processes online transactions for Republican candidates and committees.

The former president’s yields are falling as his time in the White House recedes further into the past. In the same six-month period last year, Trump collected more than $56 million in online donations, and then raised about $51 million from July through December of 2021. The latest filing puts Trump’s haul behind that of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a possible contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. DeSantis, who delighted conservatives nationally with his hands-off approach to the coronavirus pandemic, raised about $45 million in the first six months of the year, according to state filings.

Small-dollar online donations have dipped across the GOP, said people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal party data, blaming the trend on donors having less disposable income because of inflation and on their fatigue with the relentless fundraising appeals. Numerous Democratic incumbents in close Senate races reported record hauls in the second quarter, including Georgia Sen. Raphael G. Warnock, who brought in $17 million compared to GOP challenger Herschel Walker’s $3.6 million, and Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, who raised $7.5 million compared to GOP challenger Adam Laxalt’s $2.8 million.
Trump’s name and image dominate fundraising appeals for other GOP candidates and party committees, a sign of his enduring pull with the party’s base. Trump has recently moved to rein in other entities’ attempts to fundraise off his coattails, and the tension would only intensify if and when Trump officially announces his candidacy. “The entire fundraising apparatus in the Republican Party revolves around President Trump,” said Caroline Wren, a Trump-aligned GOP fundraiser who helped organize the rally on Jan. 6, 2021. “Candidates and party committees rely on President Trump’s name for their low-dollar fundraising efforts, and when it comes to high-dollar fundraising, President Trump has selflessly spent the past two years raising millions of dollars for America First candidates and organizations, including headlining fundraising events for every major Republican Committee.”

Trump had been largely stockpiling his PAC contributions, but a person familiar with the group who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe its financial details said its spending jumped in June. The increase stemmed from legal bills arising from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, more transfers to support other candidates and committees, and higher costs to raise money online, the person said. The Save America PAC finished June with $112 million on hand, the person said, which would be a net gain of about $11 million from the prior month. The Save America PAC’s June report to the FEC is due on July 20. Earlier filings show the group dispersed about $6 million in recent months to boost Trump’s preferred candidates in Pennsylvania’s Senate primary and Georgia’s gubernatorial primary. He prevailed in Pennsylvania, successfully elevating celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz above a crowded field, but failed to topple incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp in Georgia.

The committee directed $75,000 in May to the law firm of an attorney representing Cleta Mitchell, a pro-Trump lawyer who advised him on efforts to overturn the results of the election. The attorney, John P. Rowley, did not respond to a request for comment. Trump’s PAC also continued to spend money at his properties, directing about $30,000 in recent months to the Trump Hotel Collection. Such appeals continue. Four emails sent in May from Trump’s PAC, for example, asked donors to contribute to a “Protect our Elections Fund.” One subject line: “Future Election Fraud Alert". It implored supporters: Please contribute at least $45 or more IMMEDIATELY to the Protect our Elections Fund.”
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... p_politics
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Foggy »

1. I'm so glad you're back, Orlylicious. :bighug:

keith wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 2:34 am As soon as he announces, his grift is constrained by Election Finance reporting requirements.
IIRC, we have no effective policing of those requirements, and he ignored them to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Phoenix520 »

He has announced. MF has played this game before. Muse, ponder, wonder aloud: there’s the announcement. He waits until the last minute to make it official but he’s still raking in the bux.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by pipistrelle »

There's also the calculus of keeping his base riled up and adoring with rallies but not letting DeSantis siphon too many off as a younger, viable, no less repulsive option.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Slim Cognito »

I voted After. As much as he's chomping at the bit to declare, I think enough people will warn him that, if '22 goes south for the GOP, he'll be blamed and he can't deal with that.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Tiredretiredlawyer »

I read somewherz on the truthy innertubes that he plans to announce in September. Lemme find a link before rikker strikes.

ETA: https://www.businessinsider.com
Trump wants to launch his 2024 presidential bid soon and could announce as early as September
I didn't read the fine print. :bag:
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Suranis »

He is a narcisist. Which will get him more attention. He knows damn well that the "Will he wont he" bullshit gives him more attention. He has been playing coy in every election since he ran in 2000 trying to get people to believe he might declare - but not actually doing it. He gets lots of reporters going to everything he does just in case that's the place he will announce.

Honestly, I really could not care less. Whether he announces or not makes no goddam difference.

And I agree. TFG won the Republican primaries in the first place because he was the only one not singing from the "I hate Hillary script" He basically said "You have problems and I'm going to solve them BECAUSE I'M FANTASTIC. I'm Brilliant Its going to be non stop winning because I'm A WINNAR!!" He was the only one talking about peoples problems even though it was just as an aside to how brilliant he was.

He won the Electoral collage because of Russians, Sanders stabbing Clinton in the back because he's an egomaniac, the Media loving the ratings so Butter Emails, and finally James Comey putting in the final blow.

In this one he will be singing from the I hate Biden script along with everyone else AND lying about his record.

The thing is, Dems will have to actually do what they hate doing and for once stand behind their President. Turn off twitter, its meaningless.

If someone asks them to defend the ACA say "Damn right I stand behind it. It helped millions of people get cheaper health care." Point out that "Biden something that other guy couldn't- he got Mexico to pay for the wall!" Mocking the other guy's record and showing how good Biden's record is in one sentence.

If a reporter brings up trump blather"Just say, "He's lying, and I don't care what he says. Here is our plan for..."

Never, ever, mention Trump by name. It will drive him batty for one thing, but more importantly mentioning him will cloud peoples ears to the message as people will be swamped feeling nauseous.

The best way to deal with his antics is to shut him down and ignore him. If a Reporter insists on talking just say "Has he declared?" and to any answer other than yes just reply "Well call me IF he does
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Foggy »

Yeah that's the problem with polls. Is my answer what I want to happen, or what I think will really happen?

I answered with what I want, which is after the midterms.

Because the minnit he announces, as stupid and repulsive as it is, he becomes the topic of the national conversation for days or weeks, and he is a master at manipulating the MSM. He will captivate Ari Melba Toast and the other Cracker Yackers. Even if he is barbaric, infantile, shockingly irrational, and just plain stoopit, the Tee Vee will carry every word he says.

I'm unclear as to what will really happen. :shrug:
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by pipistrelle »

Foggy wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 12:50 pm Yeah that's the problem with polls. Is my answer what I want to happen, or what I think will really happen?

I answered with what I want, which is after the midterms.

Because the minnit he announces, as stupid and repulsive as it is, he becomes the topic of the national conversation for days or weeks, and he is a master at manipulating the MSM. He will captivate Ari Melba Toast and the other Cracker Yackers. Even if he is barbaric, infantile, shockingly irrational, and just plain stoopit, the Tee Vee will carry every word he says.

I'm unclear as to what will really happen. :shrug:
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by New Turtle »

I choose "other" because he's gonna try and have it both ways- act like he's running without all the official stuff. Then I think he will get indicted and there will be a big fight in Congress over whether to let indicted candidates file. After that he will spend the rest of his life in court and begging people to donate their SS checks so he can pay for lawyers.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by sad-cafe »

Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:59 am I read somewherz on the truthy innertubes that he plans to announce in September. Lemme find a link before rikker strikes.

ETA: https://www.businessinsider.com
Trump wants to launch his 2024 presidential bid soon and could announce as early as September
I didn't read the fine print. :bag:
Alex Jones had a super secret secret that dotard was gonna announce July 4

he did not acknowledge he was wrong
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by sad-cafe »

I missed you Orlylicious
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Suranis »

As an article I read on facebook said today, he knows that if he does NOT run or he says he isn't running, he will instantly become a ridiculous, pathetic artifact of history. The Calls will instantly stop, the money will dry up, and even Lindsay Graham will stop returning his calls. People will stop talking about him and forget about him within weeks.

He cant not run. but he can't run either, in case he loses. So... he will keep up the charade of "considering it". He gets all he wants by playing coy without the constant feeling of being out of his depth and not knowing what to do.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by busterbunker »

Whatever he announces, whenever he announces it, would you really be inclined to believe him?
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by pipistrelle »

I could announce any day too, you know.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Foggy »

New Turtle wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:56 pm I choose "other" because he's gonna try and have it both ways- act like he's running without all the official stuff.
He's doing that now.
Then I think he will get indicted and there will be a big fight in Congress over whether to let indicted candidates file.
Nothing in the Constitution prevents an indicted person, or even a convicted felon, from being president of this great land of ours. The qualifications are ... minimal, but Congress cannot add to them.
After that he will spend the rest of his life in court and begging people to donate their SS checks so he can pay for lawyers.
One can hope. :pray: :thumbsup:
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Foggy »

pipistrelle wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 9:48 pm I could announce any day too, you know.
And if you have a dog, your dog would be a better president than the dotard.

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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by bill_g »

Suranis wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:28 pm As an article I read on facebook said today, he knows that if he does NOT run or he says he isn't running, he will instantly become a ridiculous, pathetic artifact of history. The Calls will instantly stop, the money will dry up, and even Lindsay Graham will stop returning his calls. People will stop talking about him and forget about him within weeks.

He cant not run. but he can't run either, in case he loses. So... he will keep up the charade of "considering it". He gets all he wants by playing coy without the constant feeling of being out of his depth and not knowing what to do.
I think this is the best interpretation of the tea leaves we have so far - he has to be coy or he becomes irrelevant.

It's a page out of his media manipulator's playbook. He commits to noncommitment. He speaks without speaking. He acts without acting. He promises to promise, and he offers to offer. He is generous with words whose sum is nothing.

He will chum the waters without dropping a line for as long as he can because the threat of his entry into the contest is enough to keep his followers and the GOP in line. Towards the eleventh hour he will find a credible reason to not run that keeps the next one possible. He's a TV drama with a cliffhanger that will bring the audience back next season. And he'll keep getting paid.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Ben-Prime »

Foggy wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:52 am Nothing in the Constitution prevents an indicted person, or even a convicted felon, from being president of this great land of ours. The qualifications are ... minimal, but Congress cannot add to them.
I mean, political parties can decide who counts as a member, tho.

Of course, the (R) folk already decided his various unindicted crimes are no deal-breaker, so blah.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by much ado »

Ben-Prime wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:09 pm
Foggy wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:52 am Nothing in the Constitution prevents an indicted person, or even a convicted felon, from being president of this great land of ours. The qualifications are ... minimal, but Congress cannot add to them.
I mean, political parties can decide who counts as a member, tho.

Of course, the (R) folk already decided his various unindicted crimes are no deal-breaker, so blah.
Can't he run as an Independent if the Rs won't have him? What are the state rules about putting names on the ballot? Must be involved. But there is always the possibility of a new MAGA party! Go for it!

ETA: I voted 'after'.

He may not really plan to run, but as the time approaches, I think the lure of all those hundreds of millions of campaign donations may prove too much for him. So he might run with no real intention of winning, only grifting, and LOSE AGAIN! Go for it!

He can whine for all eternity.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Foggy »

much ado wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:34 pm What are the state rules about putting names on the ballot?
There are state rules, of course. Fifty different sets, in fact!

Collect all fifty and win fabulous prizes!

In my state, if you lose in the primary you can't run as an independent. ;)
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by bob »

much ado wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:34 pm Can't he run as an Independent if the Rs won't have him?
Can? Yes.

Will? No.

There's no real reason for him not to run as a Republican. Can't grift off fundraise off compete with Lyin' Cancun Cruz if you aren't in the Republican primaries....

And there's no real reason for the Republicans to boot him from their party.
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Re: Flash Poll: Will the Dotard Announce Before or After Midterms?


Post by Ben-Prime »

bob wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:56 pm
much ado wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:34 pm Can't he run as an Independent if the Rs won't have him?
Can? Yes.

Will? No.

There's no real reason for him not to run as a Republican. Can't grift off fundraise off compete with Lyin' Cancun Cruz if you aren't in the Republican primaries....

And there's no real reason for the Republicans to boot him from their party.
And if he loses in the primaries?
But the sunshine aye shall light the sky,
As round and round we run;
And the truth shall ever come uppermost,
And justice shall be done.

- Charles Mackay, "Eternal Justice"
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